Showing 1 - 10 of 162
Frauen sind im Durchschnitt seltener bereit, in Wettbewerb mit anderen Personen zu treten als Männer. Dieser Gender Gap in der Neigung zu konkurrieren ist einer von vielen Gründen für Unterschiede in den Bildungs- und Karriereentscheidungen von Frauen und Männern und für weitere Gender Gaps...
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Women are less willing than men to compete against others. This gender gap can partially explain the differences between women's and men's education and career choices, and the labor market disparities that result. The experiments presented here show that even though women are less willing than...
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Women are less willing than men to compete against others. This gender gap can partially explain the differences between women’s and men’s education and career choices, and the labor market disparities that result. The experiments presented here show that even though women are less willing...
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Frauen sind im Durchschnitt seltener bereit, in Wettbewerb mit anderen Personen zu treten als Männer. Dieser Gender Gap in der Neigung zu konkurrieren ist einer von vielen Gründen für Unterschiede in den Bildungs- und Karriereentscheidungen von Frauen und Männern und für weitere Gender Gaps...
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According to current survey results the reconciliation of family and work is still very difficult for a lot of parents. Most parents seek to share gainful employment and family duties more equally. Yet, financial incentives often favor the conventional single- or one and a halfearner model. In a...
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This paper analyzes the question why desired and actual sharing of market work and family duties among parents with young children in Germany fall apart. Potential explanations include financial incentives favoring the single-earner model, as well as constraints in choosing working hours due to...
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On January 1, 2017, the parental leave benefit will be celebrating its tenth anniversary. Although its implementation was fervidly debated, it has become a widely accepted family policy measure. Its impact on parental labor supply, the division oflabor between parents, fertility, and indicators...
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Am 1. Januar 2017 feiert das Elterngeld sein zehnjähriges Bestehen. Gleichwohl die Einführung von einigen Diskussionen begleitet war, ist es inzwischen eine familienpolitische Leistung mit hoher Akzeptanz. Ihre Wirkung auf die Erwerbstätigkeit der Eltern, die partnerschaftliche...
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Women are still in the clear minority among the financial sector's top decision-making bodies. According to DIW Berlin's Women Executives Barometer, at the end of 2016, 21 percent of the supervisory and administrative board members of the 100 largest banks were female. The number has stagnated...
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The gender quota for supervisory boards that has been mandatory since January 2016 has shown an initial impact. According to DIW Berlin's Women Executives Barometer, at the end of 2016, there were more women on the supervisory boards of the 106 companies subject to the statutory quota than one...
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