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Labor force participation rates of mothers in Austria and Germany are similar, however full-time employment rates are …, differences in mothers' employment patterns can partly be explained by the different tax systems: While Germany has a system of …
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Labor force participation rates of mothers in Austria and Germany are similar, however full-time employment rates are …, differences in mothers' employment patterns can partly be explained by the different tax systems: While Germany has a system of …
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in Germany, as it is often claimed in the public debate. We use two micro-data sets and a micro-simulation model to … compare effective average tax rates for different household types in France and Germany. Our analysis shows that the popular …. Actually, low income families with less than three children even fare better in terms of tax relief in Germany than in France …
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Women are still in the clear minority among the financial sector's top decision-making bodies. According to DIW Berlin …
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. According to DIW Berlin's Women Executives Barometer, at the end of 2016, there were more women on the supervisory boards of the … highest performing companies in Germany (eight percent). In companies with government-owned shares, the momentum has decreased …
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DIW Berlin zufolge waren die Aufsichts- und Verwaltungsräte der 100 größten Banken Ende des Jahres 2016 zu gut 21 Prozent … - ein Anstieg um rund drei Prozentpunkte. Erstmals seit Beginn der Erhebung des DIW Berlin im Jahr 2006 lagen die …Women are still in the clear minority among the financial sector's top decision-making bodies. According to DIW Berlin …
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Managerinnen- Barometer des DIW Berlin zufolge waren in den unter die Quotenregelung fallenden 106 Unternehmen Ende 2016 deutlich …. According to DIW Berlin's Women Executive Barometer, at the end of 2016 there were more women on the supervisory boards of the … highest performing companies in Germany (eight percent). In companies with government-owned shares, the momentum has decreased …
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Der Frauenanteil in den Vorständen der 100 größten Banken in Deutschland stagnierte 2018 bei knapp neun Prozent. In den 60 größten Versicherungen nahm er um gut einen Prozentpunkt auf fast zehn Prozent zu. Während sich damit in den Vorständen die schon in den vergangenen Jahren schwache...
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Die seit 2016 geltende Geschlechterquote für Aufsichtsräte zeigt weiter ihre Wirkung: In den 200 umsatzstärksten Unternehmen in Deutschland ist der Frauenanteil in den Kontrollgremien im vergangenen Jahr um mehr als zwei Prozentpunkte auf knapp 27 Prozent gestiegen, in den 100 größten...
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The proportion of women on executive boards of the 100 largest banks stagnated at almost nine percent in 2018. In the 60 largest insurance companies, the proportion increased by a good percentage point to almost ten percent. While growth on executive boards has been weakening in past years, it...
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