Showing 1 - 10 of 79
La croissance de la productivite du travail dans le secteur des entreprises au Canada a connu un ralentissement substantiel apres 2000. La majeure partie du ralentissement a eu lieu dans le secteur de la fabrication. Le present document vise a examiner comment ce ralentissement a ete lie a la...
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Labour productivity growth in the Canadian business sector slowed substantially after 2000. Most of the slowdown occurred in the manufacturing sector. This paper examines how this slowdown was associated with the restructuring that occurred in manufacturing as a result of the increase in excess...
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Le present rapport decrit les revisions apportees a la mesure de la croissance de la productivite multifactorielle (PMF) et aux variables connexes dans le secteur des entreprises et pour differentes industries. Ces revisions ont decoule de la revision historique du Systeme de comptabilite...
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This paper highlights revisions to multifactor productivity (MFP) growth and related variables in the business sector and in individual industries, which resulted from the historical revision of the Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA) released October 1, 2012, revisions to the labour...
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Afin d'evaluer l'importance de la delocalisation des matieres (definie dans le present document comme etant l'utilisation de matieres intermediaires importees) au niveau de l'industrie, on suppose generalement que, pour une industrie particuliere, la part importee des entrees de chaque bien est...
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In order to study the importance of material offshoring (defined in this paper as the use of intermediate imported materials) at the industry level, it is generally assumed that the import share of each input commodity for a particular industry is similar to that for the economy as a...
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The paper examines whether the integration of Canadian manufacturing firms into a global value chain (GVC) improves their productivity. To control for the self-selection effect (more productive firms self-select to join a GVC), propensity-score matching and difference-in-difference methods are...
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This paper asks how market expansion contributes to productivity growth. It investigates whether entry to both new international markets and new domestic markets is associated with greater productivity growth. It also examines whether exit from export markets is necessarily associated with...
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Le present document fournit un apercu du programme de productivite de Statistique Canada et une breve description du rendement du Canada en matiere de productivite. Il definit la productivite et les diverses mesures utilisees pour examiner les differentes facettes de la croissance de la...
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This paper provides an overview of the productivity program at Statistics Canada and a brief description of Canada?s productivity performance. The paper defines productivity and the various measures that are used to investigate different aspects of productivity growth. It describes the...
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