Showing 1 - 10 of 82
Russian Abstract: Политизация и идеологизация проблемы "крайне правых", "правого радикализма" приводит к негодным попыткам объяснить поведение широкого спектра...
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Russian Abstract: Активизация движения за "базовый доход" рассматривается в контексте теории общественного выбора как рациональная программа продвижения к власти...
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This work gives a review of the history of how a number of institutions emerged in developed countries. The authors attempt to analyse a connection between this process and the current economic growth phenomenon. The authors believe that stremgthenning guarantees of personal immunity provided...
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This research is devoted to political and economic aspects of closed democracy institutions afoot. The book describes basic approaches to contrastive analysis in this field, typical problems that cause deviations in democratic institutional system’s development and major conditions and ways to...
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In the paper we provide short review of the main Israeli parties' positions on the key issues. The set of "key issues" is our choice and contains Judicial (legal system) reform, Judea and Samaria status, 2nd amendment right and self-defense, Taxation / spending etc. We provide formal...
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The present article traces the dynamics of the priorities chosen by leading leftist parties in Israel vis-a-vis the functions of the state. During the period of the British Mandate they, like all leftist parties, maintained anti-militaristic views. Leaders of the Left more than once accused...
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The link between an introduction of the universal suffrage and the growth of government spending has been established in some literature (Meltzer, Richard, 1981, Aidt et al., 2006, Funk and Guthmann, 2006). In this article we try to identify a more detailed mechanism behind that link. So, we...
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Can the absence of freedom of speech, a monopolized media market, and a politicized education create obstacles which will stand in the way of economic growth? The answer is an unambiguous Yes, and substantially. Partial, biased, or heteronomous mass media and an education turned into a...
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“Improvements” in the mechanisms of democracy for making decisions about providing taxpayer-financed public goods can lead the economy in the same direction as authoritarianism. Such a by-product may be insignificant, but, even if so, a tradition of abridging democracy, similarly to an...
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The paper considers and tests different approaches to analysis of causes of, and incentives to terrorist activities and the media and politicians' opportunist behavior. While the first approach is based on the assumption of a universal deployment of a compromise strategy, the other one is based...
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