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Analysis of covariance techniques have been developed primarily for normally distributed errors. We give solutions when the errors have non-normal distributions. We show that our solutions are efficient and robust. We provide a real-life example. Copyright (c) 2009 The Authors. Journal...
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The time/cost trade-off models in project management aim to reduce the project completion time by putting extra resources on activity durations. The budget problem in discrete time/cost trade-off scheduling selects a time/cost mode for each activity so as to minimize the project completion time...
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The focus of this paper is the size of the wage penalty due to maternal leave incurred by working mothers in Germany. Existing estimates suggest large penalties with little rebound over time. We apply recent panel data methods designed to address problems of sample selectivity, unobserved...
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The primary goal of this study was to propose an algorithm using mathematical programming to detect earnings management practices. In order to evaluate the ability of this proposed algorithm, the traditional statistical models are used as a benchmark <TOGGLE>vis-à-vis</TOGGLE> their time series counterparts. As...</toggle>
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The article investigates the sources of macroeconomic fluctuations in Saudi Arabia using structural vector autoregression methods and pays particular attention to oil prices and changes in terms of trade. Using a macroeconomic model tailored to the Saudi Arabian economy, the authors identify...
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"This paper studies competition in a network industry with a stylized two layered network structure, and examines: (i) price and connectivity incentives of the upstream networks, and (ii) incentives for vertical integration between an upstream network provider and a downstream firm. The main...
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This paper examines price clustering on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). Regardless of tick and lot size, prices ending in zero and five are the most popular. The TSE has no market makers or direct negotiation between traders; therefore, clustering is not explained by collusion or negotiation....
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We examine the effect of agency conflicts on debt financing and show that managerial ownership and its interaction with takeover defenses affect these decisions. We find that (1) the relation between leverage and takeover defenses becomes insignificant when we control for the interaction of...
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The standard growth model predicts that allowing labour mobility across regions would increase the speed of convergence in per capita income levels and that migration has a negative causal impact on regional growth rates. Although the empirical literature has uncovered some evidence for the...
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