Showing 71 - 80 of 272
Whether higher productivity of the foreign firm increases host countrywelfare depends on whether the reason for foreign direct investment (FDI) is to savethe trade cost or to get the advantage of cheap labor. We show that, if the reason forFDI is to get the advantage of cheap labor, higher...
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This paper investigates the impact of exchange rates on US Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)inflows to a sample of 16 emerging market countries using panel data for the period 1990-2002. Threevariables are used to capture separate exchange rate effects. The nominal bilateral exchange rate tothe...
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In den 1980er und den frühen 1990er Jahren waren japanische Banken die weltweit größten Finanzinstitute und galten als Inbegriff „globaler“ Banken. Der Crash der japanischenWertpapier- und Immobilienmärkte Anfang der 1990er Jahre und die nachfolgende Rezessionwaren Anlass zu tiefgreifenden...
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This paper examines the effects of cross-border bank mergers on the risk and (abnormal) returns of acquiring banks. We find that overall, the acquirers´ risk neither increases nor decreases. In particular, on average neither their total risk nor their systematic risk falls relative to banks in...
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We test the often-cited hypothesis that high levels of child labour attract foreigninvestors. Using panel data we show the overall effect, which child labour has on foreign direct investment (FDI), to be a (small) negative one. We find strong evidence for the theoretical prediction that child...
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This paper reassesses, at the light of economic and financial theory, the well-documented recent evolution of the euro area public debt and equity markets.
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The robust empirical finding that exporting firms are systematically different from firms thatmerely serve domestic consumers has inspired the development of a new brand of tradetheory, the theory of heterogeneous firms and trade. The establishment of a canonical modeldue to Melitz (2003) has...
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We investigate the relationship between exporting, importing, and wage premia using a richmatched employer-employee data set. We improve on the previous literature (i) by using anew methodology to quantify the contribution of an extensive set of worker- and firm-levelobservable and unobservable...
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This paper attempts to establish the trend of market development in Europe in thecenturies before the industrial revolution, by applying three different measures ofmarket integration to a compilation of monthly and annual price data. In contrast tomuch of the existing work, which suggests that...
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What is the impact of joining the European Union on a small, less developed economy? This is the generalquestion driving this research paper. In particular, the role of factor movements in explaining real wagebehavior in Portugal after its entry in the European Union (EU) is quantitatively...
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