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Global liquidity expansion has been very dynamic since 2001. Contrary to conventionalwisdom, high money growth rates have not coincided with a concurrent rise in goodsprices. At the same time, however, asset prices have increased sharply, significantlyoutpacing the subdued development in...
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Wirkung besitzt. Des Weiteren findet diese Studie anhand einer Simulationsanalyse, dass eine kontraktive Geldpolitik unter … implizieren somit, dass eine gemeinsame Geldpolitik - wie zum Beispiel innerhalb der EWU - aufgrund heterogener …
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In this paper, we argue that the observed di¤erence in the cost of intraday and overnightliquidity is part of an optimal payments system design. In our environment, the interestcharged on overnight liquidity a¤ects output while the cost of intraday liquidity onlyaffects the distribution of...
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The fiscal theory of the price level says that the price level can be made determinate if thegovernment uses fiscal policies such that government liabilities explode unless the price inthe first period is at the “right” level. The policy implications are disturbing, as they callfor rather...
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This paper investigates the effect of interest rate policy on stock marketbubbles and trading behavior in experimental asset markets. For this purpose, weintroduce the possibility of investing in interest bearing bonds to the classicallaboratory asset market design of Smith, Suchanek, and...
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This paper extends a New Keynesian model to include roles for currency and depositsas competing sources of liquidity services demanded by households. It showsthat, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the Barnett critique applies: While a Divisiaaggregate of monetary services tracks the true...
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The global financial crisis that began in mid-2007 has renewedconcerns about financial instability and focused attention onthe fundamental role of central banks in preventing andmanaging systemic crises. In response to the turmoil, centralbanks have made extensive use of both new and existing...
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In this paper, we assess the effects of changes to the primarycredit facility since August 2007 by performing out-of-samplesimulations based on a model developed by Artuç andDemiralp (2008). Our results are highly consistent with thepredictions of our 2008 study—that is, the revised...
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