Showing 1 - 10 of 42
This paper presents a new approach to incorporate estimation risk into mean-variance portfolio selection. The key contribution of our analysis is that we model the estimation risk as a second, independent source of risk.
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Starting from the Merton framework for firm defaults, we provide theanalytics and robustness of the relationship between defaultprobabilities and default correlations. We show that loans with higherdefault probabilities will not only have higher variances but also highercorrelations with other...
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It seems to be widely accepted that Jensen alpha fails to detect successful market timing funds spuriously indicating poor fund performance. Jensen (1972), Admati and Ross (1985), Dybvig and Ross (1985), and Grinblatt and Titman (1989), (1995) attribute that to an upwards biased estimate of the...
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In den Basler Konsultationspapieren wird empfohlen, die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten der einzelnen Ratingklassen eines Ratings mit den beobachten Ausfallquoten ex post zu überprüfen... Dies führt zu dem statistischen Standardtest auf Anteilswerte, der in einführender statistischer Literatur...
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Versicherungsunternehmen müssen im Bilanzjahr 1999 erstmals die Anforderungen des Gesetzes zur Kontrolle und Transparenz im Unternehmensbereich (KonTraG) erfüllen. Aus dem KonTraG als Artikelgesetz ging unter anderem der § 91 Abs. 2 des Aktiengesetzes(AktG) hervor, der die frühzeitige...
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Eine der wesentlichsten Voraussetzungen zur erfolgreichen Realisierung unternehmerischer Ziele ist, dass die Unternehmensleitung einen umfassenden Überblick über alle unternehmerischen Aktivitäten hat. Wachsende Unternehmensgrößen, verstärkte interne Arbeitsteilung und Automatisierung in...
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This paper analyzes optimal, dynamic portfolio and wealth/consumption policies of utility maximizing investors who must also manage market-risk exposure using a given risk-management model. We focus on the industry standard, the Value-at-Risk (VaR) based risk management, and find that VaR risk...
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The idea of using common Posson shock processes to model dependent event frequencies is well known in the reliability literature. In this paper we examine these models in the context of insurance loss modelling and credit risk modelling...
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This report contains recommendations for improving the public disclosure practices of financial intermediaries ...
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The insurance sector and other sectors of the financial services industry are potentially at risk of being misused for money laundering and the financing of terrorism ...
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