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Gegenstand des hier erörterten Arbeitsmarkteffektes sind geplante Investitionen der Deutschen Bahn AG in neues Zugmaterial. Konkret geht es um den Kauf von bis zu 300 Zügen mit der Projektbezeich-nung ICx bei der Firma Siemens, die ab 2016 (und bis 2030) die Generation der ICE-, IC- und...
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In spring 2010 the Euro-crisis culminated with the threatening state insolvency of Greece and Ireland. By high billion credits to both member states European Union provided an emergency fund (750 bn Euro) to avoid a similar shock like with the breakdown of US-bank Lehman Brothers and to avoid a...
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The German railway project “Stuttgart-Ulm” is part of the high-speed line between Paris/France and Budapest/Hungary as well as Bratislava/Slovakia. It includes the parts “Stuttgart 21” (abbreviation of “Stuttgart in 21st century”) and the new railway-line Wendlingen-Ulm (to cross the...
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