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Der Verfasser beschreibt den Prozess, den ein Unternehmen durchläuft, bis es über die notwendige Innovationsdynamik verfügt. Er betont in diesem Zusammenhang vor allem die hohe Bedeutung einer geeigneten Innovationsstrategie als wichtigen Bestandteil der Unternehmensstrategie.
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Die Annahme, in einem derart offenen, wachstumsstarken und jungen Marktbereich wie die Internet-Economy würden Geschlechterunterschiede keine Rolle mehr spielen, ist leider ein Irrtum.... Es existieren zwar viele Vermutungen, jedoch kaum Fakten -rarecompany hat zu diesem Zweck die Betroffenen...
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This paper investigates the growth factors of EU regions in the 1990s. We test the hypothesis that regional growth is determined by endogenous growth factors, trade and technological catching-up in a growth accounting framework....
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Rejuveniles are "grown-ups who cultivate juvenile tastes in products and entertain-ment". In this note, we study a standard AK growth model of overlapping gener-ations populated by rejuveniles. For our purposes, rejuveniles are old agents whoderive utility from "keeping up" their consumption...
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Recent increases in Iowa farmland values and the turbulence in the stock market have resurrected a perennial question. Which is a better investment - the stock market or farmland?[...]
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This article illustrates the commonly overlooked sample selection probleminherent in using rural classification methods that change over time due to populationchanges. Since fast growing rural areas grow out of their rural status, using recent ruraldefinitions excludes the most successful places...
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Over the past two decades, the financial services industry has experienced a significant increase in competition and internal rivalry. Driven by deregulation and advances in information technologies, many historical institutional distinctions among financial intermediaries have disappeared or...
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Niche markets of agricultural products are experiencing rapid growth. One suchniche market is organic pork. Organic pork production is a relatively new and expandingsegment of the pork industry. Similar to some other niche markets, it has also experiencedrapid growth (Organic Trade...
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inflationsinduziertes Wachstum parallelim Kalkül erfassen lassen, sofern man eine konsistente Nominalrechnung durchführt. Diessteht im …
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Following a trend of sustained and accelerated growth, the VIXfutures and options market has become a closely followed, active andliquid market. The standard stochastic volatility models | whichfocus on the modeling of instantaneous variance | are unable to t theentire term structure of VIX...
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