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This paper discusses the extent to which migrants to Britain have been assimilated into the workforce. Migration into Britain has increased over the last 25 years, with a big increase in inflows in recent years. The paper shows that when a migrant worker first arrives they experience a pay gap...
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We use Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian LFS data (2002-2007) complemented with severalother surveys to compare the profile of Baltic temporary workers abroad before and after EUaccession with that of stayers and return migrants. Determinants of migration and return, aswell as selection issues...
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This paper focuses on the links between informal care provision and labour market activity atthe sub-national level. Within-country analysis of this issue has been very limited to datedespite the wide regional variations in informal care provision that often exist. This issue isimportant in the...
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European Social Survey data on 30 countries, covering years 2004-2009, are used to lookinto joint institutional [and other macro] determinants of the rates of dependent employmentwithout a contract, informal self-employment, and unemployment (secondary jobs are notaccounted for). Consistently...
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Considerable cross-sectional evidence has highlighted the lower employmentrates and earnings amongst disabled people in Britain. But very little is knownabout the progression of disabled people in employment. This study uses datafrom the Labour Force Survey (LFS) to examine the labour market...
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In the past few years the informal sector in countries in transition hasincreasingly become the focus of research, public policy and the media.The term ‘informal sector’ has been used to describe an extremely widespectrum of activities, which do not necessarily have much in common,such as...
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Based on a questionnaire survey and an interview, with additional supportfrom reviews of literature and archival information, this paper examines theunderlying causes of the NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) problemin Japan. Those who responded to the survey were senior-grade...
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Over the last decade house prices increased remarkably in many countries. However, whilein several countries there was an employment boom in the construction sector, in others theshare of employment in this sector did not significantly change...
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[...]This paper examines the operation of the U.S. labor marketin the 2001 recovery. Because the United States is in the middleof the recovery, ours is a real-time analysis; thus, someconclusions could change if the recovery stalls or employmentgrows suddenly. For instance, since August 2003,...
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In 2000, the Lisbon Agenda set out an ambitious plan to make the EuropeanUnion “the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy inthe world”. The Agenda suggested a need for action on three broad fronts:the first explicitly macroeconomic; the second explicitly microeconomic;the third...
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