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This paper measures the extent to which prices exceed marginal costs in the U.S. natural gas distributionmarket during the period 1991-2007. We find large departures from marginal cost pricing in all 50states, with residential and commercial customers facing average markups of over 40%. Based...
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Die zentrale Funktion von Preisen is es, Signale an die Anbieter und Nachfrager auf den entsprechenden Märkten zu vermitteln. Die Sensitivität der Reaktion von Anbietern und Nachfragern auf Preisänderungen auf Boden- und Immobilienmärkten wird dabei anhand von sogenannten direkten...
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We conduct a large-scale …eld experiment with 2,440 subjects in whichwe exogenously vary the price of contributing to the closest empiricalcounterpart of an in…nitely large public good, climate change mitigation.We …nd that the price e¤ect is robust and negative, but quantitativelyweak, with...
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Russia is experiencing deep structural changes in many areas. For the seafood industryimportant developments are large increases in household incomes, development of modernsuper- and hypermarket distribution channels, and product innovations. In the seafoodcategory consumers are adopting new...
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This paper examines the aggregate demand for inputs, including housework and otherservices, used by the US household sector to produce home goods that directly provide them utilityover the post-World War II period. By assuming that households produce a commodity called homegoods and that...
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[...]In this article, we shed light on the globalizationof international production and trade by demonstratingthe increasingly important role vertical specializationplays in international trade. We use case studies andinput-output tables to calculate the level and growth...
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This paper extends a well-established vertical product differentiation model toan international duopoly with two segmented countries, where firms compete inquality and price. The framework is used to analyse governments’ incentives forunilateral minimum standard-setting as well as the scope...
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We present a new model of multi-product …rms (MPFs) and flexible manufacturing and explore itsimplications in partial and general equilibrium. International trade integration a¤ects the scale andscope of MPFs through a competition e¤ect and a demand e¤ect. We demonstrate how MPFs adjust...
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This paper examines the determinants of intra-firm trade in U.S. imports using detailed country-productdata. We create a new measure of product contractibility based on the degree of intermediation in internationaltrade for the product. We find important roles for the interaction of country and...
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During the two decades after the Second World War, international tradeexpanded at its most rapid pace of the twentieth century. Between 1948 and1968, the total volume of merchandise exports from non-communist countriesgrew by a remarkable 290 percent. 2 And the growth of world trade during...
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