Showing 21 - 30 of 228
Die Analyse von Einzeltiteln und -märkten braucht viel Zeit und Energie. Nur wenigen gelingt es, mit darauf basierenden Investitionen eine überdurchschnittliche Rendite zu erzielen. Für die meisten Investorenempfiehlt sich bei der Kapitalanlage eine breit abgestützte Strategie.(...)
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A great proportion of stock dynamics can be explained using publicly availableinformation. The relationship between dynamics and public information may be ofnonlinear character. In this paper we offer an approach to stock picking by employing so-called decision trees and applying them to XETRA...
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In this paper, we investigate the impact of different asset management and surplus distributionstrategies in life insurance on risk-neutral pricing and shortfall risk. In general,these feedback mechanisms affect the contract’s payoff and hence directly influence pricingand risk measurement. To...
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Die Analyse und Beurteilung der Kapitalanlagepolitik deutscher Lebensversicherer istvon außen – insbesondere für Anteilseigner und Versicherte – sehr schwierig, da hierzuim Allgemeinen nur wenige Informationen zur Verfügung stehen. Der folgende Beitragwidmet sich diesem Informationsmangel...
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This paper examines properties of mean-variance inefficient proxies with respect to producing a linear relation between expected returns and betas. The numerical results of a Monte Carlo simulation show that in the CAPM slightly inefficient, positively weighted proxies cause an almost perfect...
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Much of the industrialized world is undergoing a significant demographic shift, placing strain on public pension systems. Policymakers are responding with pension system reforms that put more weight on privately managed retirement funds. One concern with these changes is the effect on individual...
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Eine Option beinhaltet das Recht, einen bestimmten Basiswert (Aktien oder Anleihen) zu ei-nem vereinbarten Preis innerhalb eines festgelegten Zeitraums oder zu einem festen Zeitpunkt zu kaufen (Kaufoption bzw. „Call“) oder zu verkaufen (Verkaufsoption bzw. „Put“). Der Käufer der Option...
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This paper analyzes the relation between agency conflicts and risk management in a contingent claims model of the firm. In contrast to previous contributions, our analysis incorporates not only stockholder-debtholder conflicts but also managerstockholder conflicts. In particular we consider a...
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A stronger long-term orientation is considered a competitive advantage of family firms relative to non-family firms. In this study, we use panel data of U.S. firms and analyze this proposition. Our findings are surprising. Only in when the family is involved in the management of the firm is the...
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