Showing 1 - 10 of 130
Das Phänomen der Subsistenzlandwirtschaft hat in einigen mittel- und osteuropäischenLändern (MOEL) zum einen eine lange Tradition, zum anderen ist es durch die ökonomischeund soziale Transformation dieser Volkwirtschaften bedingt. Generell sinkt im Verlauf derökonomischen Entwicklung der...
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Dieser Beitrag stellt die Abbildung der Effekte einer verminderten Subsistenzproduktion für Milch in den MOEL in einem landwirtschaftlichen Sektormodell dar. Es wird projiziert, dass die Nettoexporte von Molkereiprodukten Bulgariens, Rumäniens und Polens im Falle eines EU-Beitritts niedriger...
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This paper presents an approach to depict subsistence production of milk in a partial equilibriumsector model and applies this approach to Poland, Bulgaria and Romania in the European SimulationModel (ESIM). The restriction on milk production implied by the EU milk quota in a situation...
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Die Agrar- und Ernährungsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) hat jüngst die Öffentlichkeit alarmiert, weil die Reduzierung des auf dem Welternährungsgipfel 1996 formu-lierten ambitiösen Ziels, die Anzahl der mangelernährten Menschen auf der Welt zu halbieren, in sehr weite Ferne...
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An importexceeds a "normal" level. This paper identifies various internal and external factors that can contribute to the emergence of agricultural import surges in developing countries and discusses their relevance. External factors play a rather minor role. Internal policies, whether carried...
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We examine experimentally two different types of trust: trust in another party's cooperation and trust in ability. In the cooperation condition, player A sends x {0, X} to player B. The amount x is multiplied by c = 3, and B can return y {0,3x}. (...)
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[...]The work of the National Equality Panel will underpin the response by all strategic publicauthorities to Clause One of the Equality Bill which places a new legal duty on key publicbodies to consider, in all the important decisions they make and all important actions theytake, how they can...
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There is ample evidence that women do not react to competition as mendo and are less willing to enter a competition than men (e.g., Gneezy et al.(2003), Niederle and Vesterlund (2007)). In this paper, we use personalityvariables toto understand the underlying motives of women (and men) toenter a...
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This paper focuses on pathways to adult disadvantage (or social exclusion) up toage 33 for a cohort of children born in Great Britain in March 1958. A sequenceof interrelated analyses that build up a life-course account of the pathwaysinvolved in the origins of adult social exclusion are...
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We use monthly personnel records of a large German company to analyse the gender wage gap (GWG). Main findings are: (1 … significant impact on the GWG; (8) the gender gap in absenteeism is between 26 and 46 percent... …
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