Showing 1 - 10 of 251
Die Finanzierung öffentlicher Haushalte erfolgt durch Steuereinnahmen, Zuwendungen und Kredite. Investitionen, insbesondere Bauinvestitionen, können und werden in der Regel kreditfinanziert.
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The Japanese Fiscal Investment and Loan Progam (FILP) will be fundamentally changed in April 2001. We are comparing the pre- and post-reform Japanese system with the German system of policy-based finance and we have found that the German system is quite different. In the case of the...
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Die klassische Kreditfinanzierung der kommunalen Haushalte hat sich zwar in der Vergangenheit bewährt, stößt aber in Zeiten kommunaler Geldnot zunehmend an ihre Grenzen. Die schwache Konjunktur und die Steuerreformen der letzten Jahre haben die Kommunen in massive finanzielle Bedrängnis...
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Ab dem 7. Januar 2004 beteiligten sich Studenten der Universität Leipzig an den seiteinigen Monaten bundesweit währenden Protestaktionen mit einem „konstruktivenStreik“. Dabei sollten reguläre Lehrveranstaltungen ersetzt werden durch Aktionen,die durch Ort, Zeit und insbesondere Inhalt...
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Our paper examines the impact of heterogeneous trading technologies for households onasset prices and the distribution of wealth. We distinguish between passive traders whohold fixed portfolios of stocks and bonds, and active traders who adjust their portfolios tochanges in the investment...
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This paper provides a framework with which to model one of the key links between universities andindustry – the undertaking of applied research. We assume that the fundamental objective of universities isto undertake fundamental research and that they receive public funding to do so....
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This paper discusses whether, in which respects, and to what extent the corporate governancesystems of Germany, the United Kingdom and France have already converged in the course ofEuropean economic integration, or are likely to converge in the foreseeable future. Wepresent, and attempt to...
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wichtige Bestimmungsfaktoren für Standortentscheidungen von MNU. Die Bedeutung von Recht und Standortwahl unterscheidet sich …-Strategien - Einfachheit, Flexibilität und Verläßlichkeit des relevanten nationalen Rechts in einem Land und seine Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Recht …
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Japan witnessed a boom of municipal mergers between 1999 and 2006. Duringthat period, the number of municipalities was reduced from 3,232 to 1,820. TheGreat Mergers of the Heisei Period, as they have become known, took place withina framework of extensive decentralization reforms in which the...
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Dur country should seriously consider the fact that byprioritizing economic development, it has accorded insuffieientattention to such essential goals as the improvementof the livelihoods of our individual eitizens, thewealth of the human spirit, and soeial justice ... In responseto demands for...
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