Showing 1 - 10 of 43
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According to the accountability principle a person’s fair allocation takes into accountthe input-relevant variables she can influence, like effort, but not the variablesshe cannot influence, like a randomly assigned exogenous factor. This study is basedon a real effort-task experiment, where...
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We experimentally show that current models of reciprocity are in-complete in a systematic way using a new variant of the ultimatumgame that provides second-movers with a marginal-cost-free punish-ment option. For a substantial proportion of the population, the de-gree of first-mover unkindness...
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Markets for complex, multi-faceted goods normally require a complex institutionalframework to function properly, i.e., to lead to patterns of outcomes that are deemedacceptable by the individuals involved. This paper examines the institutionalunderpinnings of the market for urban land use...
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Der hier veröffentlichte Beitrag von Dr. MarkusGrapka und Dr. Volker Meinhardt ist auf die Überlegungzugespitzt, durch eine Neugestaltung derRentenfi nanzierung Altersarmut zu vermeidenund damit auch größere Verteilungsgerechtigkeitherzustellen.Hintergrund dieser Überlegungen ist die...
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This paper investigates distributive justice using a fourfold experimental design:The ignorance and the risk scenarios … became more inequality-averse and one quarterremained unchanged as umpires. In the risk scenario, subjects become onaverage …'shypothesis, the entropy social welfare function, and randomization preferenceenjoyed impressive acceptance. For the risk scenario, the …
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Voting is a natural context to investigate how democratic societies balance claims of economic efficiency against claims of distributive equity. We examine data from a series of simple experimental voting games; in each, voters are confronted with two distributional policies, one that promotes...
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In Österreich wird seit dem Jahr 2002 über die Notwendigkeit einer umfangreichen Steuerre-form diskutiert. In der wirtschaftspolitischen Diskussion wurden vor allem vier Beweggründe angeführt...
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Die öffentliche Debatte zur Generationengerechtigkeitist geprägt durch die These eines Kriegesder Generationen nach dem Motto: „Ältere plündernJunge aus“, untermauert mit der Aussage,dass die Staatsverschuldung die zukünftige Generationunzumutbar belastet.Will man sich diesem Thema...
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A model where a portion of the population participates in illegal activities is developed. The propensity to participate in crimes depends on the probability and the opportunity cost of beingarrested. The government can influence these variables by law enforcement expenditures and by social...
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