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BEA’s national economic statistics provide a comprehensive view of U.S. production, consumption, investment, exports and imports, and income and saving. These statistics are best known by summary measures such as gross domestic product (GDP), corporate profits, personal income and spending,...
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BEA’s national economic statistics provide a comprehensive view of U.S. production, consumption, investment, exports and imports, and income and saving. These statistics are best known by summary measures such as gross domestic product (GDP), corporate profits, personal income and spending,...
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Der Titel dieses Vortrags suggeriert, daß es sich bei der Marxschen Theorie um eine in sich stimmige, ein für alle mal … feststehende Theorie handle, und es nur noch darum gehen könne, sie in das Spektrum gegenwärtiger Wissenschaft einzuordnen, bzw. zu …
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This paper analyses derives market-wide price and return series for housing investment during a 13-year period, and it also provides estimates of the individual-specific, idiosyncratic, variation in housing returns.
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[...]Like the other countries examined, the United Kingdomadopted inflation targets after a successful disinflation.Unlike these countries, however, the UnitedKingdom took this step in the aftermath of a foreignexchange rate crisis in order to restore a nominalanchor and to lock in past...
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Im Zuge der mit der Marktbeobachtung einhergehenden statistischen Datenaufbereitungdiskutiert die Bundesnetzagentur seit einiger Zeit mit den Eisenbahnunternehmendie Entwicklung der realen Eisenbahninfrastrukturkosten sowie mögliche Varianten einesgeeigneten Inputpreisindex. Ein solcher Index...
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This paper explores the statistical properties of household consumption-expenditurebudget share distributions —defined as the share of household total expenditure spentfor purchasing a specific category of commodities— for a large sample of Italianhouseholds in the period 1989-2004. We find...
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Market frictions inhibit perfect replication of property derivatives and dene the property spreadas a price measure in the incomplete real estate market. We identify transaction costs, transactiontime and short sale constraints as the main frictions in this market. Based on these frictions,...
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Living standard indicators are complex nonlinear statistics based on fundamen-tal components (income or consumption data, prices, household characteristics andenvironment). The statistical distributions of these components, which are oftenincompletely obseved, are central to study utilitarian...
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Wir wollen in diesem Beitrag zeigen, wie notwendig theoretische Erklärungen der betrieblichen Personalpolitik sind und warum sie - trotz aller Notwendigkeit bisher eher selten sind. Weiterhin wollen wir unseren Weg der Suche nach Erklärungen darstellen: die Methode der Modellkonstruktion, der...
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