Showing 1 - 10 of 127
The international transactions accounts provide information on trade in goods and services (including the balance of payments and the balance of trade), investment income, and government and private financial flows. In addition, the accounts measure the value of U.S. international assets and...
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The paper examines the question of the emergence of multinational firms from Eastern Europe in Austria on different levels of aggregation: The first part uses aggregated data on inward foreign direct investment (FDI) in Austria from Central- and East European Countries (CEECs).(...)
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In Deutschland steht die öffentlicheWahrnehmung der Osterweiterungder Europäischen Union(EU) zunehmend im Zeichen vonSorgen um die Zukunft inländischerArbeitsplätze. Im Umfelddes Beitritts der zehn neuen Mitgliedstaatenam 1. Mai 2004 häufensich Meldungen über anstehendeoder geplante...
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This paper is about contagion and interdependence among Central European economies. It investigates the extent to which country-specific shocks spread across these countries beyond the normal channels of interdependence, taking into account common external shocks. To model such shocks, we make...
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We decompose by origin the sources of the variation in real aggregate output and aggregate price level in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. We find that a sizable fraction of the variation is attributable to external shocks, especially so for aggregate price level. We show that euroarea...
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Eine ausgewogene politische Partizipation und Repräsentationin einer Gesellschaft stellt neben der institutionellenVerankerung demokratischer und rechtsstaatlicherVerfahren eine wesentliche Voraussetzung füreine lebendige Demokratie dar. Die Tatsache, dassFrauen an den politischen...
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Alongside the institutionalisation of the rule of law anddemocratic procedures, a balanced political participationand representation in a society constitutes afundamental prerequisite for a vibrant democracy.Therefore, the fact that women’s participation in thepolitical decision-making and...
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The paper enquires into the relationship between economic inequality and economic growth, but different from others, it also studies the relationship between inequality and economic growth in the situation where consideration of effect of factor movement is included. The paper tends to answer...
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The paper enquires into the e¤ects of China’s entry into the WTO on its economic growth. We find that even in the short run (2001-2005), economic performance can be improved due to obtaining higher survival probability of economic growth rate and better protection of consumer welfare.
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