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Pan-Asianism in Japanese history has not received much scholarly attention so far. Indeed, as some scholars have pointed out (Beasley 1987a), it is questionable whether the notion of an ideology that only existed as a loose set of ideas and, moreover, had its foundations in European concepts,...
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[...]A key observation is that import and export prices roughlytracked each other, with both tracking the behavior of worldtradable goods prices. Indeed, trade prices were fallingthroughout Asia by similar magnitudes, regardless of howmuch each country’s currency depreciated. For both...
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[...]In our view, this apparently surprising immunity of the U.S.economy to the Asia crisis reflects the fact that the original wayof thinking about the crisis was flawed. First, it focused only ondemand-side channels and ignored the supply side. Second, thedepreciation of the Asian currencies...
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Die Holzverarbeitung in Deutschland droht eine vergleichbare Entwicklung zu nehmen wiewenige Jahre zuvor die … näher an Deutschlandherangerückt sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund versucht das Projekt "Entwicklung eines …
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Bereits im Jahr 1993 hat das Institut Arbeit und Technik (IAT) eine empirische Untersuchung zu kooperativen Arbeitsstrukturen und Gruppenarbeit ind Deutschland durchgeführt. Die damaligen Ergebnisse sorgten für einige Aufmerksamkeit, zeigten sie doch, dass die Verbreitung von Gruppenarbeit...
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This dissertation explores how companies can create customized development solutions that support the individual needs of executives and the overall corporate strategy. After the theoretical framework was developed by drawing on literature from the fields of executive development, leadership,...
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As passenger numbers pick up slowly after prolonged crisis, airports are anticipating a return to the stable growth of the past. However, reality is likely to be different.
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Das vorliegende Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Identifikation und Entwicklung von Kernkompetenzen im Unternehmen …
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This paper summarises the developments of road pricing in USA and Canada.
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