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An equivalent !-martingale measure (E!MM) for a given stochastic process Sis a probability measure R equivalent to the original measure P such that S isan R-!-martingale. Existence of an E!MM is equivalent to a classical absenceof-arbitrage property of S, and is invariant if we replace the...
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We solve the problem of mean-variance hedging for general semimartingale modelsvia stochastic control methods. After proving that the value process of theassociated stochastic control problem has a quadratic structure, we characteriseits three coefficient processes as solutions of semimartingale...
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Our paper explores the role of time preferences on household debt maturity choice. Wefind that in countries where people are more patient in the long term, planning horizons in householddebt portfolios are significantly longer, as the optimal maturity of loans is considerably higher.The...
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In den letzten Jahren hat die Zahl von Cross –Border –Leasing (CBL) Transaktionenin Deutschland verstärkt zugenommen.2 Mit wachsender Bedeutung rückte dieseSonderform des Leasings aber auch immer mehr ins öffentliche Blickfeld und begegnetgroßem Misstrauen.Internationales Leasing, zu dem...
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anderen soll im Rahmen der Theorie desSteuerwettbewerbs erläutert werden, warum es aus Effizienzerwägungen heraus sinnvoll ist …
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This paper asks whether tax cycles can represent the optimal policy in a model without any extrinsic uncertainty. I show, in an economy without capital and where labor is the only choicevariable (a Lucas-Stokey economy), that a large class of preferences exists, where cycles are optimal, as well...
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The influence of capital gains taxes on investment decisions is a central issue of accounting and public finance research. However, the implications of capital gains taxes on investors' willingness to invest in irreversible projects with entry and exit flexibility have not yet been a focal...
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Website of Census Bureau programs covering local, state and federal agencies and activities.
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This paper provides an analysis of the economy and labour market of West Wales, which isdefined as Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, and Pembrokeshire. Some key points emerging fromthis are:- the important but declining role of agriculture, the growing importance of tourism, theimportance of...
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