Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich den Informationsrechten der Aktionäreim Schnittpunkt von bilanzrechtlichen und gesellschaftsrechtlichen Publizitäts-vorschriften und der Unternehmensverfassung. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Rechts- wissenschaftler haben in der Vergangenheit in gleicher...
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Die Gegenfinanzierung für die im Steuerentlastungsgesetz vorgesehenen Steuertarifsenkungen erfolgt durch die Verbreiterung der steuerlichen Bemessunngsgrundlage. Dabei dienen die Versicherungsunternehmen neben den Energieversorgern als die Hauptfinanziers dieser Steuerreform. Die...
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Der Flugdiensteproduzent Ryanair steht seit einiger Zeit im Verdacht europarechtswidrigeBeihilfen erhalten zu haben. Vertragliche Vereinbarungen zwischen Ryanair undverschiedenen Flughafenbetreibern waren der Ausgang für Rechtsstreitigkeiten bezüglich derGewährung öffentlicher Hilfen an...
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We exploit a controlled frameless laboratory experiment to study settlement negoti-ations and the plainti¤’s decision to raise a lawsuit in case of an impasse. We …nd thatgreater variance in court outcomes increases the litigation rate and lowers the settlementrate. This latter …nding goes...
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The paper enquires into the e¤ects of China’s entry into the WTO on its economic growth. We find that even in the short run (2001-2005), economic performance can be improved due to obtaining higher survival probability of economic growth rate and better protection of consumer welfare.
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Aspiring to become a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) the Vietnamesegovernment is confronted with …
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With the conclusion of the Uruguay Round and the establishment of the World trade Organisation (WTO) in April 1994, a …
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The paper enquires into the short run effect (2001-2005) of China’s entry into the WTO on its economic growth. We conclude there is no economic hazard with a …nding that China’s economy would enjoy a higher survival probability of economic growth rate and better protection of consumer...
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The paper enquires into the short run e¤ect (2001-2005) of China’s entry into the WTOon its economic growth. We conclude there is no economic hazard with a finding that Chinaseconomy would enjoy a higher survival probability of economic growth rate and better protectionof consumer welfare,...
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Economists use partial and general equilibrium trade simulation models toestimate the impact of changes in domestic policies and international trade rules.During the WTO Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations economists haveproduced many different estimates of the gains that would result...
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