Showing 1 - 10 of 82
[...]The focus of my remarks is something else entirely. Mypurpose is threefold: first, to make the case that the study ofhistory is essential to understanding the present and future ofany urban area; second, to suggest that in terms of age, size,density, and demographic patterns, New York has...
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[...]This paper documents the impact of recent changes inimmigration settlement patterns on the skill endowment ofimmigrants in the New York metropolitan area. The empiricalanalysis uses the available U.S. census microdata between 1970and 2000 to examine two related questions that inevitably lie...
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Public infrastructure is an important part of a wellfunctioningurban economy. Such infrastructure—definedhere as publicly owned and maintained physical capital—hashistorically played a central role in allowing cities to grow bymitigating or reducing problems such as congested...
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This paper explores the connections betweenbroad economic indicators in the New Yorkmetropolitan region and their national counterparts.It compares the performance of theregion in recent years with that of the nation and assessesthe importance of national and local developments for thearea’s...
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[...]In this paper, I analyze the performance of theregion’s industries over the recent economic decline andrecovery. In the next section, I present the taxonomy ofindustries employed here. That taxonomy, adopted frominternational trade theory, displaces economic base theory,which sorts...
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[...]This paper analyzes the industrial restructuringprocess in the New York metropolitan area in the first halfof the 1990s.1 It shows that the restructuring was accompaniedby a decline in the labor force, particularly in NewYork, where the decline persisted through the first half ofthe 1990s....
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As correctly noted by Matthew Drennan in his paper forthis conference, the nature of the transformation that hasoccurred in the New York metropolitan region since 1989is rather mixed. Although the region has regained onlyhalf of the 625,000 jobs it lost during the 1989-92 period,aggregate...
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Much of the discourse about regional andlocal economic development strategiesin the United States over the pasttwenty-five years has looked like asearch for general rules. Very few such rules have emerged,in part because—like all policy debates—there have beenlarge inputs of ideology and...
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This paper is an abstract of the study made for the MAster of Science in real Estate delivered by the Center for Urban and Real Estate Management (CUREM) in Zurich. The Goal was to analyze the relation between big infrastructure and urban development, using a real case. The chosen area for this...
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In the real estate development process are several key actors involved who have different conceptions of how and which kind of value within the real estate projects is to be obtained. Architects focus on the aesthetic quality of buildings and define value as contribution to the cultural...
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