Showing 1 - 10 of 122
Seit Jahren bildet das Für und Wider einer Besteuerung von Vermögen einen integralen Bestandteil der Steuerreformdiskussionen in Deutschland.Anlaß für die erneute Diskussion ist der vom SPD-Parteivorstand beschlossene Leitantrag,in dem eine zusätzliche Belastung großer Vermögen für die...
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The choice of cultivation techniques is a key determinant of agricultural productivityand has important consequences for income growth and poverty reductionin developing countries. Using household data from Nicaragua this papershows that the choice of cultivation techniques depends on farmers’...
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Seit dem 1. Januar 2007 ist in der Schweiz das neue Bundesgesetz für kollektive Kapitalanlagen (KAG) in Kraft. Auf diesen zeitpunkt hin löste das KAG das bisher für Anlagefonds massgebende Anlagefondsgesetz (AFG) ab. Das KAG verkörpert nicht bloss eine Fortschreibung der bisherigen...
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Der Beitrag setzt sich kritisch mit der Bewertung von Grundvermögen für steuerliche Zweckeauseinander. Um den Erhebungsaufwand der Finanzbehörden gering zu halten, werdeneinfache, auf wenigen Grundstücks- bzw. Gebäudemerkmalen basierendeBewertungsverfahren eingesetzt. Die...
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The Matching Distribution converges to a Poisson Distribution with ë = 1 as the parameter n converges to infinity. A generalization of the Matching Distribution is proposed. The properties of this Generalized Matching Distribution (GMD) turn out to be analogical to the case with ë = 1.
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We examine the impact of performance groups on the estimation of therelative importance of ¯rm, industry and other e®ects on corporate performance.Performance groups comprise ¯rms from the same industry with asimilar performance over a longer period of time. We present a statisticalmethod...
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In this paper we present a new approach to incorporate default dependency in intensity-based default risk models. The model uses an arbitrary default dependency structure which is specified by the Copula of the times of default, this is combined with individual intensity-based models for the...
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In this paper a new credit risk model for credit derivatives is presented. The model is based upon the ‘Libor market’ modelling framework for default-free interest rates. We model effective default-free forward rates and effective forward credit spreads as lognormal diffusion processes, and...
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This paper gives a simple introduction to portfolio credit risk models of the factor model type. In factor models, the dependence between the individual defaults is driven by a small number of systematic factors. When conditioning on the realisation of these factors the defaults become...
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In this paper we present a tree model for defaultable bond prices which can be used for the pricing of credit derivatives. The model is based upon the two-factor Hull-White (1994) model for default-free interest rates, where one of the factors is taken to be the credit spread of the defaultable...
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