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Pan-Asianism in Japanese history has not received much scholarly attention so far. Indeed, as some scholars have pointed out (Beasley 1987a), it is questionable whether the notion of an ideology that only existed as a loose set of ideas and, moreover, had its foundations in European concepts,...
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[...]A key observation is that import and export prices roughlytracked each other, with both tracking the behavior of worldtradable goods prices. Indeed, trade prices were fallingthroughout Asia by similar magnitudes, regardless of howmuch each country’s currency depreciated. For both...
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[...]In our view, this apparently surprising immunity of the U.S.economy to the Asia crisis reflects the fact that the original wayof thinking about the crisis was flawed. First, it focused only ondemand-side channels and ignored the supply side. Second, thedepreciation of the Asian currencies...
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This paper deals with endogenous determination of effort as a source of productivity growth.
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Showcasing data from all areas of the ILC program and other sources, Charting International Labor Comparisons is a gateway to explore how key labor market and other national economic measurements compare across countries. There are links to previous editions of the Chartbook of International...
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The aim of this paper is to review and summarise the results of selected empirical studies on performance gaps between multinational enterprises and their domestic counterparts.
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This paper deals with the the thesis that bigger wage differentials might also give rise to less co-operation and more politicking amongst workers resulting in worse outcomes.
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Vorliegendes Arbeitspapier untersucht die Eignung eines hedonisti-schen Modells zur Bewertung des Nutzens bei Organisationsprojekten.
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This paper reports on the development and application of an instrument to evaluate the overall IT fitness of medium sized enterprises. The instrument was designed in 1997 as part of an applied research project with the close co-operation of scientists and consultants, as well as variaous market...
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Recent research on international productivity comparisons with historical data has encountered large discrepancies between benchmark comparisons and time series extrapolations from other benchmarks. Broadberry and Burhop (2005) have recently argued that for Hoffmann´s (1965) widely accepted...
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