Showing 31 - 40 of 69
The variable threat-bargaining model of Nash (1953) assumes that threats in the senseof binding commitments as to what one will do if bargaining ends in conflict, are chosenbefore bargaining. By comparison, late threats to be chosen after bargaining end in conflict,appear more natural and would...
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In a large scale newspaper experiment 5,132 readers of the German weekly, Die Zeit, participated in a three-person bargaining game. In our data analysis we focus on (1) the influence of age, gender, profession and the medium chosen for participation on bargaining behavior and on (2) the external...
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Threat power is the ability to impose a great loss on someone else at relativelylow own cost and can be measured by the ratio of other’s and own loss. It can bevaried by assuming that rejecting an ultimatum reduces the payoff of the proposerto its lambda–share and that of the responder to...
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In this paper we study the robustness of the deadline effect in bargaininggames using constant and slowly decreasing pies, different time horizons,and both constant and alternating role modes. With decreasing pies efficiency requires early agreements while constant pies allow for efficient late...
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Negotiations frequently end in conflict after one party rejects a final offer.In a large-scale internet experiment, we investigate whether a 24-hour coolingoffperiod leads to fewer rejections in ultimatum bargaining. We conduct astandard cash treatment and a lottery treatment, where subjects...
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This paper surveys new research concerning bargaining within supply chains and its implications for buyer power. The paper explores the implications of the research on supermarket supply chains for primary, secondary and private-label branded goods. The empirical base in support of the theories...
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This paper analyses the implications of bargaining between buyers and sellers on the competitive outcome in a homogeneous good industry. Bargaining creates a competitive equilibrium in which some inefficient sellers coexist with efficient leading to productivity dispersion...
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List prices are not completely credible as take it or leave it prices: buyers are able to seek reductions by bargaining with firms. We show that this realisation leads to the existence of a critical threshold number of competitors in an industry which depends on fundamentals. In industries with...
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The paper shows that in a spatial price equilibrium under monopolisitc competition welfare can be increased by subsidising transport.
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to these externalities, economic agents invest too little in prevention relative to the socially efficient level by …
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