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Because of a long time frame, irreversible and specific investments, incomplete contracts andpolitical constraints, it is generally difficult for governments to commit themselves in a credibleway to a fixed petroleum tax regime. Many controversial renegotiations and tightenings of suchsystems...
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Theories of irreversible investment suggest a negative relation between investment and uncertainty,and non-linear adjustment costs open for asymmetries in the adjustment of fixed capital. We proposean econometric modelling approach to estimate and test the key predictions of modern...
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Topical issues in petroleum tax design are in this chapter discussed by means of a tax model for anet income tax system (Norway) and a representative PSA regime. We analyse the entire lifecycle of a typical petroleum project, i.e., the exploration decision is included. Many petroleumtax systems...
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Shortages of rigs and personnel have encouraged creativity in designing incentive contracts in thedrilling sector. In particular for oil service contracts, since those companies have the most directcontrol of drilling efficiency. A large variety of contract types are in use, including within...
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The oil companies are concerned to replace the petroleum reserves they producein order to maintain their future level of activity. Booked reserves alsorepresent an important input when analysts value these companies. Many producercountries want to control their own resources, a goal which can...
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Mit den Begriffen „Europastrategie" und „Allfinanzstrategie" werdenAusgangsüberlegungen, Analysen, Konzepte und Maßnahmebündel derKreditinstitute für ihre langfristige Positionierung im Markt beschrieben.Häufig — wenn nicht sogar üblicherweise — werden diese Strategien imKern...
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National borders are still strong barriers for mergers and acquisitions inEurope. We estimate a gravity equation model based on NUTS 2-regionsand find that the restraining impact of national borders decreased byabout a third between 1990 and 2007. However, there has been nosignificant change...
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Die Welt von heute ist Globalisierung, Deregulierung, Individualisierung und Digitalisierung.Nicht nur geballt in Worten, auch in der Realität prägen diese Phänomene Zeitgeistund Zeitgeist-Handeln. Der technisch-ökonomische Basistrend heißt digitaler Kapitalismusglobal und total. Die...
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Why do some countries join the EU earlier than others, why do others wait? Inorder to answer this question we apply the theory of investment under uncertainty (Dixit andPindyck, 1994) to the decision on EU-membership. We develop a simplified model of twoperiods to study how the value of waiting...
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The depth of industry integration between European ‘West’ and ‘East’ depends on thesimultaneous existence of several factors, which, through mutual complementarities,align global and local networks. This paper takes the case of Asea Brown Bowery (ABB),one of the first large investors in...
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