Showing 1 - 10 of 112
This paper addresses the personal linkages between the public administration and the legislaturethat emerge because public servants pursue a political mandate. There are concernsthat the strong representation of bureaucrats in many Western parliaments compromises theconstitutionally proposed...
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This paper addresses the personal linkages between the public service and the legislaturethat emerge because public servants pursue a political mandate. There are concerns thatthe strong representation of public servants in many Western parliaments compromises theconstitutionally proposed...
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, assumptions which cannot be taken forgranted in many states, neither historcally nor in today’s developing world.Our paper …
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In important situations, individual decision-making is systematically biased. Whendeciding (rather than consuming), extrinsic attributes of choice options are more salient thanintrinsic attributes. People overestimate extrinsic attributes and therefore put too much effortinto acquiring income...
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This paper aims to test empirically if certain frequently used measures of wellbeing,which are regarded as valuable properties of human life, are actuallydesired by people. In other words, it investigates whether the “expertjudgments” in social science overlap with social consensus on what...
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Der entwicklungsökonomische Diskurs ist aktuell geprägt durch eine kontroverseDebatte zwischen Jeffrey Sachs und William Easterly. Der Beitrag rekonstruiert beide Ansätze aus ordonomischer Perspektive. Er argumentiert, dass eine auf Kooperation angelegte Semantik vergleichsweise besser...
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(IFAC-PSC) 1996 developed for world-wide application accountingstandards. This article analyses these accounting standards …
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Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Möglichkeiten der Bewertung von Kunst- undKulturgegenständen im neuen doppischen Finanzwesen der Kommunen im Kontextzum Zweck der Bilanzierung und schließt mit einem Modellvorschlag zur Ermittlungdes Erhaltungsaufwandes. Die ergebnisorientierte Steuerung und die...
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In this paper the process of the entrepreneurial decision is decomposed in seven engagement levels ranging from never thought about starting a business to gave up, thinking about it, taking steps for starting up, having a young business, having an older business and no longer being an...
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This exploratory study focuses on the conversion from nascent to actual entrepreneurship and the role of entry barriers in this process. Using data for a sample of countries partici-pating in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor between 2002 and 2004, we estimate a two-equation model explaining...
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