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This paper analyzes optimal foreign aid policy in a neoclassical frameworkwith a conflict of interest between the donor and the recipient government.Aid conditionality is modelled as a limited enforceable contract. We defineconditional aid policy to be self-enforcing if, at any point in time,...
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We examine the interaction between foreign aid and binding borrowing constraint for arecipient country. We also analyze how these two instruments affect economic growth vianon-linear relationships. First of all, we develop a two-country, two-period trade-theoreticmodel to develop testable...
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World governance today is characterized by international organizationslacking democratic legitimacy and control by the …
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The directory of development organizations, listing 70,000 development organizations, has been prepared to facilitate international cooperation and knowledge sharing in development work, both among civil society organizations, academic and research institutions, governments and the private sector.
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Zweck bilaterale Verträge über einenTausch von Entwicklungshilfe als Gegenleistung für institutionelle Reformen inRichtung …
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Der entwicklungsökonomische Diskurs ist aktuell geprägt durch eine kontroverseDebatte zwischen Jeffrey Sachs und William Easterly. Der Beitrag rekonstruiert beide Ansätze aus ordonomischer Perspektive. Er argumentiert, dass eine auf Kooperation angelegte Semantik vergleichsweise besser...
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This paper discusses the so-called commercial approach to microfinance undereconomic and ethical aspects. It first shows how microfinance has developed from a purelywelfare-oriented activity to a commercially relevant line of banking business. Thebackground of this stunning success is the almost...
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Drawing on an ordonomic approach, this paper argues that a theory of global justiceshould incorporate as a pivotal cornerstone a theory of corporate citizenship whichconstructively addresses business firms as agents of social value creation. We arguethat, instead of relying exclusively on...
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This paper argues that corruption patterns are endogenous to political structures. Thus, corruption can be systemic and planned rather than decentralized and coincidental. In an economic system without law or property rights, a kleptocratic state may arise as a predatory hierarchy from a state...
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The empirical relationship between trade protection and economic growth is surprisinglyfragile, as shown in a number of other papers. After demonstrating this empiricalsensitivity, we address one possible explanation for these findings: that the relationshipis nonlinear. Following the endogenous...
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