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In the shadow of rising divorce and non-marital birth rates, nearly twothirdsof all American children today will live apart from at least one oftheir parents, usually the father. Clearly this astonishing proportion ofnon-resident fathers has serious implications for the economic,employment, and...
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This study addresses three questions. Firstly, to what extent does divorceduring childhood have long-term consequences for the educationalattainment, economic situation, partnership formation and dissolution, andparenthood behaviour in adulthood? We show that in most of thesedomains children who...
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This study examines the link between divorced nonresident fathers’ proximity and children’slong-run outcomes using high-quality data from Norwegian population registers. We follow(from birth to young adulthood) 15,992 children born into married households in Norway inthe years 1975-1979...
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Verwaltungsmodernisierung ist in aller Munde, vor allem auf kommunalerEbene. Nach der ersten Euphoriephase stellt sich nunmehr allerdings verstärktErnüchterung ein. Als zentrales Implementationshindernis tritt dabei, nebenden Problemen im Zusammenhang mit der Beschäftigtenbeteiligung und...
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State and federal reforms of the 1990s transformed the U.S. cash assistance program forsingle parents and their children. Despite an extensive literature examining these changesand their impacts, there have been few studies that consider the effects of these reformsfrom the perspective of the...
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In this study we pose two broad questions: what are the characteristics ofthe currently divorced; and who divorces? Divorce is used as an inclusiveterm to include separations from marriages and from cohabiting unions.In the first part data from the Family Resources Survey is used to identifythe...
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Using data from cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys, Kathleen Kiernanand Ganka Mueller have examined two questions: What does the currentlydivorced population look like; and what sort of people are likely to divorce(including breakdown of cohabitation)?The currently divorced are more likely...
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The paper investigates the relationship between work and family life in Britain.Using appropriate statistical techniques we estimate a five-equation model,which includes birth events, union formation, union dissolution, employmentand non-employment events. The model allows for unobserved...
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Parental divorce has been an increasing experience amongst thegenerations of children born since the 1970s in European countries. Thisstudy analyses data on the partnership and parenthood behaviour ofthose children who experienced parental separation during childhoodfor nine Western European...
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