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Laut dem thematischen EU-Bericht zum „Europäischen Jahr der Chancengleichheit 2007 für alle“(Europäische Kommission 2008) ist das Thema sexuelle Orientierung nach wie vor gesellschaftlichund damit auch im Erwerbsleben hochgradig negativ besetzt bzw. tabuisiert. In Österreich...
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empirical model that evaluates school performance onthe basis of student level test-score gains. Unlike previous work, however …, we introducea flexible model that relates follow-up student test scores to baseline student test scoresand explore for …) in the production of student achievement.[...] …
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[...]What might account for this link between parentalincome and children’s income? Many economists believethat this relationship is due in large part to differentialhuman-capital investment between high-income andlow-income families. High-income parents can invest inmore (and better)...
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[...]The main conclusion from this review is that thewidely held belief that American schools have failed—thatthey are performing worse today than they have in the past,that a high school degree is no longer valuable, and thatadditional resources yield no benefits in the current system—is...
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[...]In this paper, I review the three existing studies ofthe effects of the choice schools on student achievement …
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considerableamount about a student’s background and academicaptitude, the fact that her parents are willing to spend their time and … resources to send her to a private school mayprovide additional information about the student’sacademic ability and family …
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[...]In this paper, I examine two methods of measuringthe value of better schools. One involves following individualsover time to determine how the quality of theirschooling affects outcomes later in their lives; the otherinvolves calculating parental valuation of better schoolstoday. I review...
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incentives and rewardsto promote student learning. Higher standards canincrease the effectiveness of school-leaving policies …
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[...]In this paper, we argue that a major obstacle tohigher student achievement is a lack of good informationcomparing …
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financial incentives on student achievement. In stark contrast to simple economicmodels, our results suggest that student … to output are not effective. Relativeto popular education reforms of the past few decades, student incentives based on …
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