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To date, empirical investigations of trade liberalization under the conditions of increasingreturns to scale (IRS) and imperfect competition (IC) have either assumed or imposed themarket and productive structures necessary for such a model. However, of the recent IRS/ICmodels used to simulate...
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Using U.S. manufacturing data, Griliches (1969) found evidence suggesting that capitalequipment was more substitutable for unskilled than skilled labor. Griliches formulated thisfinding as the capital-skill complementarity hypothesis. The purpose of this study is todetermine whether the...
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We consider the single item lot-sizing problem with capacities that are non-decreasing overtime. When the cost function is i) non-speculative or Wagner-Whitin (for instance, constantunit production costs and non-negative unit holding costs), and ii) the production set-upcosts are non-increasing...
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Showcasing data from all areas of the ILC program and other sources, Charting International Labor Comparisons is a gateway to explore how key labor market and other national economic measurements compare across countries. There are links to previous editions of the Chartbook of International...
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Die Region südlich der Sahara steht wie keine andere im Zentrum der internationalenentwicklungspolitischen Aufmerksamkeit, so dass Afrika in jüngerer Zeit garals ‚hopeless continent’ bezeichnet wird (ECONOMIST, MAI 2000). Dies ist Ausdruckeines wachsenden Entwicklungspessimismus, der sich...
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