Showing 1 - 10 of 57
The focus of the paper is on the remuneration of executives of large European banks. We describe the pay-for-performance sensitivity of the compensation and its disclosure as two dimensions of the board remuneration systems in the European countries.
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The relationship between executive pay and corporate financial performance con-tinues to attract wide academic, media and policy attention. The very high salariesenjoyed by senior executives in corporations primarily in the North American coun-tries are often contrasted with the relatively low...
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A theory of responsibility is provided in a simple model where agents care for their career prospects. First, two agents with uncertain abilities work on a task. Second, a principal decides to promote one of them. Three types of equilibria occur. One in which no agent is responsible for the task...
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This paper describes the pay-for-performance sensitivity of the compensation and its disclosure as two dimensions of the board remuneration systems in the European countries.
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Based on the LEN-model KRAPP (1999, 2000) analyses for different constellations howcollusive behaviour of agents influences the principal’s welfare. We try to complement this analysisby considering additional scenarios. Furthermore, we take into account that the principal cannot ap-praise...
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Owing to changes in the business environment, there has been a tremendous adoption of innovativeworkplace organisation (WO) and human resource (HR) practices during the last fewdecades. Assuming a holistic perspective on human resource management (HRM), the presentstudy establishes the...
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Das Konzept des persönlichen Informationsmanagements (PIM) wird in diesem Arbeitpapier als notwendige Ergänzung strategischer und operativer Ansätze des Informationsmanagements entfaltet.Der Bezeichnung entsprechend wird eine personelle Sichtweise eingenommen, die den...
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In diesem Arbeitspapier werden Regelwerke betrachtet, aus denen rechtliche Vorgaben für die IT des Unternehmens resultieren. Dies umfasst Gesetze und Rechtsverordnungen, Verwaltungsvorschriften, referenzierte Regelwerke und Urteile sowie Verträge. Die wichtigsten in der Praxis relevanten und...
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Globalisierung und Deregulierung bringen den Unternehmen in vielerlei Hinsichtneue Möglichkeiten, ihr wirtschaftliches Handeln zu optimieren. Aber sowie durch diesen schnellen Wandel und die steigende Komplexität von Geschäftenmehr Optionen entstehen, werden auch immer mehr neuartige...
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A large, mature and robust economic literature on pay for performance now exists, whichprovides a useful framework for thinking about pay for performance systems. I use thelessons of the literature to discuss how to design and implement pay for performance inpractice....
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