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This paper considers labor market adjustments following a large import shock in the Germanclothing industry caused by the phasing out of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement. Using theGerman shoe industry as a control group and administrative data, we study adjustments onthe individual and firm level...
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Do better trade logistics reduce trade costs, raising a country´s exports? Yes, but the magnitude of the effectdepends on country size. Applying a new gravity model to a comprehensive logistics index, we …nd that anaverage-sized country would raise exports by about 46% after a one-standard...
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In this paper we provide an overview of China’s human capital strategy and educationalachievements over the last two decades. While every one acknowledges China as aneconomic superpower, very few are aware of or realize China’s notable achievements ineducation as well as its...
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The empirical relationship between trade protection and economic growth is surprisinglyfragile, as shown in a number of other papers. After demonstrating this empiricalsensitivity, we address one possible explanation for these findings: that the relationshipis nonlinear. Following the endogenous...
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This paper analyses to what extent working conditions in foreign-owned firms differ fromthose in their domestic counterparts. It makes three main contributions. First, we replicate theconsensus in the empirical literature by applying a standardised methodology to firm-leveldata for three...
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The 2003 reforms of the Common Agricultural policy of the European Unionintroduced decoupled income transfers as the most prominent policy instrument.However, member states were given substantial discretion over the degree and timingof the reform implementation. As a result, different...
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A meta-analysis explains the variation in estimated trade effects of technical barriersto trade broadly defined, using available estimates from the empirical international tradeliterature, and accounting for data sampling and methodology differences. Agriculture and foodindustries tend to be...
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Dieser Artikel analysiert die auch im Vergleich zu anderen (europäischen) Ländern restriktiveImportpolitik der Schweiz für patentgeschützte Güter (nationale Erschöpfung)aus aussenhandelstheoretischer Sicht.Obwohl dieAussenhandelstheorie auf der Basis derTheorie des Zweitbesten (Theory of...
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This paper pursues three aims. First, we provide a review of current theoretical advanceswhich pertain to the relationship between trade, FDI and labor markets. We do so under thefollowing (not mutually exclusive) headings: (1) slicing-up the value added chain and the turnto a task-based...
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In this paper, we explore empirically the role of openness, technology and labour marketrigidity in the determination of the effect of the exchange rate on employment in Portugal. Wedevelop an index that allows us to measure labour market flexibility at the sector level. Thisindex shows that...
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