Showing 1 - 10 of 62
We present a gravity model that accounts for multilateral resistance, firm heterogeneity and country-selectioninto trade, while accommodating asymmetries in trade flows. A new equation for the proportion of exporting…firms takes a gravity form: the extensive margin is also accected by...
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The robust empirical finding that exporting firms are systematically different from firms thatmerely serve domestic consumers has inspired the development of a new brand of tradetheory, the theory of heterogeneous firms and trade. The establishment of a canonical modeldue to Melitz (2003) has...
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This paper discusses the place of oligopoly in international trade theory, and ar-gues that it is unsatisfactory to ignore …rms altogether, as in perfectly competitivemodels, or to view large …firms as more productive clones of small ones, as in monop-olistically competitive models. Doing...
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We present a new model of multi-product …rms (MPFs) and flexible manufacturing and explore itsimplications in partial and general equilibrium. International trade integration a¤ects the scale andscope of MPFs through a competition e¤ect and a demand e¤ect. We demonstrate how MPFs adjust...
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This paper analyses the implications of bargaining between buyers and sellers on the competitive outcome in a homogeneous good industry. Bargaining creates a competitive equilibrium in which some inefficient sellers coexist with efficient leading to productivity dispersion...
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This paper develops a trade model with firm-specific quality heterogeneity, limit pric-ing, and an endogenous distribution of markups. Exposure to trade induces only thefirms producing high-quality (high-price) products to enter the export markets, whereasfirms producing low-quality (low-price)...
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In recent years an increasingly common feature in international trade is cases where animporting country finds production practices in exporting countries unacceptable, and whereone seeks to change these practices by imposing trade restrictions. Examples includeunacceptable environmental...
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To date, empirical investigations of trade liberalization under the conditions of increasingreturns to scale (IRS) and imperfect competition (IC) have either assumed or imposed themarket and productive structures necessary for such a model. However, of the recent IRS/ICmodels used to simulate...
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This paper explores the role of country asymmetries for trade and industrial policies withheterogeneous firms. Our analysis delivers a number of novel results. First, trade policies,infrastructure policies and industrial policies which improve the business conditions in onecountry have negative...
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We use unique plant-level data to study the link between the local availability of services andthe decision of manufacturing firms to source materials from abroad. To guide our empiricalanalysis we develop a monopolistic-competition model of the materials sourcing decisions ofheterogeneous...
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