Showing 1 - 10 of 216
Using two data sets derived from German administrative data, including a linkedemployer-employee data set, we investigate the cyclicality of worker and job flows.The analysis stresses the importance of two-sided labour market heterogeneity inthis context, taking into account both observed and...
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In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of labour market dynamics in Western Germany by looking at gross worker flows. To do so, we use a subsample of the registry data collected by the German social security system, the IAB employment sample, for the time period 1975-2001. The latter...
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A large body of literature explains the inferior position of unskilled workersby imposing a structural shift in the labor force skill composition. This papertakes a different approach by emphasizing the connection between cyclicalvariations in skilled and unskilled labor markets. Using a...
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This paper is motivated by the lack of any obvious relationship betweenaggregate poverty and unemployment in Great Britain. We derive aframework based on individuals’ risks of unemployment and poverty,and how these vary over the economic cycle. Analysing the BritishHousehold Panel Survey for...
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This chapter assesses how models with search frictions have shaped our understanding of aggregatelabor market outcomes in two contexts: business cycle fluctuations and long-run (trend) changes. Wefirst consolidate data on aggregate labor market outcomes for a large set of OECD countries. We...
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Portuguese firms engage in intense reallocation, most employers simultaneously hire andseparate from workers, resulting in a large heterogeneity of flows and excess turnover. Largeand older firms have lower flows, but high excess turnover rates. In small firms, hires andseparations move...
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Informality has long been a salient phenomenon in developing country labor markets, thushas been addressed in several theoretical and empirical research. Turkey, given its economicand demographic dynamics, provides rich evidence for a growing, heterogeneous andmultifaceted informal labor market....
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Labor markets in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe underwent adramatic transformation. Notably, this transformation took place within just a few years. Untilthe mid-2000s job opportunities were scarce and unemployment was high. But since thenlabor demand has picked up and...
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This paper assesses labor market segmentation across formal and informal salaried jobs andself-employment in three Latin American and three transition countries. It looks separately atthe markets for skilled and unskilled labor, inquiring if segmentation is an exclusive feature ofthe latter....
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In labor markets with worker and firm heterogeneity, the matching between firms and workersmay be assortative, meaning that the most productive workers and firms team up. Weinvestigate this with longitudinal population-wide matched employer-employee data fromPortugal...
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