Showing 1 - 10 of 56
.We investigate the reliability of "single-question" data using the ONS Omnibus and BritishSocial Attitudes (BSA) surveys as examples... …
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Few representative surveys of households of migrants exist, limiting our ability to study theeffects of international … survey methods in collecting datafrom Japanese-Brazilian families, many of whom send migrants to Japan... …
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We model decisions with respect to formality or informality for entrepreneurs in a newindustry for a developing economy. We show that informality allows a leader to explore,without significant sunk costs, the potential profitability of the industry; that is, informality maybe a stepping stone,...
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) provide an extensive survey and discussion ofgovernance research in accounting and provide ideas for futureresearch. In this …
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Advocates of fair value accounting believe that fair valuesprovide more relevant measures of assets, liabilities, andearnings than do historical costs. These advocates assertthat fair value accounting better reflects underlying economicvalues. The advantages of this method—and thecorresponding...
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This paper analyzes a useful accounting framework that breaks down the current account to twocomponents: a composition effect and a growth effect.We show that past empirical evidence, which stronglysupports the growth effect as the main driver of current account dynamics, is misconceived. The...
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Accounting is frequently described and recognized as the language of business because theexternal financial reporting function is extensively used as a principal means of communicatingresults of corporate economic activity to interested external parties. However, deficiencies withrespect to the...
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Identifizierung von Risiken und deren Unterlegung mit Eigenkapital sind die von der Finanzaufsichtgeforderten Maßnahmen eines Risikomanagements. Eigene Risikomodelle werden zugelassen unddie Angemessenheit der Planung wird zusätzlich mittels Stresstests überwacht.Risikomanagement kann hierbei...
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Many European companies are attracted to Maltabecause of its full imputation system, more commonlyknown as the international holding company regime.In fact, a vast majority of German blue chips run aMalta holding or finance company.[...]
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The Latin principle pacta sunt servanda (‘‘agreementsmust be kept’’) serves as a cornerstone of socialinteraction, peace, and justice. If a breach of contractdid not have some sort of ramification, the motivationto stick to the stipulations of the treaty would decreasegreatly, the...
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