Showing 41 - 50 of 146
The paper analysis rental contracts in a two-period model of thehousing market with uncertain 'outside option', accounting for non-contractible mobility-cost and consumption indivisibilities. The mainndings are: (i) Bilaterally ecient contracts set rents which are lessvolatile than market rents...
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This paper analyses rental contracts in the housing market assu-ming asymmetric information about tenant related `service cost' andimperfect mobility. On the positive side it explains why long standingtenants tend to enjoy lower rents |the so called `tenure discount'. Onthe normative side, it...
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Open source projects produce goods or standards that do not allow for the appropriation of private returns by those who contribute to these projects. In this paper we analyze why programmers will nevertheless invest their time and effort to code open source software. We argue that the particular...
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This paper examines the provision of managerial investment incentives by an accounting based incentive scheme in a multiperiod agency setting in which an impatient manager has to choose between mutually exclusive investment projects. We study the properties of accounting rules that motivate an...
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Executive Stock Option Programs (SOPs) have become the dominant compensation instrument for top-management in recent years. The incentive effects of an SOP both with respect to corporate investment and financing decisions critically depend on the design of the SOP. A specific problem in...
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Vor dem Hintergrund allgemeiner Bedingungen der Anreizkompatibilität wird für verschiedenen Kapitalmarktmodelle untersucht, ob zwischen den Anteilseignern eines Unternehmens Einmütigkeit besteht und, wenn ja, mit welchem Unternehmensziel der finanzielle Nutzen der Anteilseigner maximiert...
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Capital rationing is an empirically well-documented phenomenon. This constraint requiresmanagers to make investment decisions between mutually exclusive investmentopportunities. In a multiperiod agency setting, this paper analyses accounting rules thatprovide managerial incentives for efficient...
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This paper examines ¯nite parimutuel betting games with asymmetric information, with par-ticular attention to di®erences between sequential and simultaneous settings, and betweenfully rational and myopic (\price taking") behavior. In the simultaneous parimutuel market,all (symmetric and...
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We offer a novel explanation for the use of collateral based on the dual function of banks to provide credit and assess the borrowers credit risk. There is no moral hazard or adverse selection on the part of borrowers the only inefficiency is that banks cannot contractually commit to providing...
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Dieser Beitrag erweitert die Standardmodellierung der Literatur über Informationsaustausch zwischen Unternehmen bei Nachfrageunsicherheit und läßt sich vor allem auf Unternehmen in neuen Branchen oder in unsicheren Märkten anwenden ...
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