Showing 1 - 10 of 368
Nachfolgeregelung durch Unternehmenskauf - Werkzeuge für die Bewertungund Finanzierung kleiner und mittelständischer …
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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt Unternehmensübernahmen in Deutschland und die Ende 2001 verabschiedete gesetzliche Neuregelung von Übernahmen von börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaften.
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AIG disposals to raise at least €5o billion, Privatisation of Durch Insurance sector; Recapitalisation of the industry; Solvency II; Introduction of MCEV...
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Since years, incentives for the management have become a standard upon acquisitions of companies byPrivate Equity Investors – so-called Buy-Outs. However, until this date there are no empirical studies availableon the arrangements of management participations and potential conflicts of...
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How much do developing countries benefit from foreign investment? We contribute to this question by comparing the employment and wage practices of foreign and domestic firms in Brazil, using detailed matched firm-worker panel data...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert die Ausgestaltung der Desinvestition einer Konzerneinheit im Rahmen eines Buy Out an institutionelle Private-Equity-Investoren. Der Arbeitskreis Finanzierung der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft hat dafür eine explorative empirischeUntersuchung von 33...
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Buy-outs and MBOs in particular underwent a rapid development during the last decade in the USA and the UK as well. In comparison Germany's buy-out-scene has to be characterized as less developed concerning number and size of deals. The aim of the working group was to find out wich conditions...
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Anhand eines einfachen Modells unter Sicherheit zur Bewertung von Kapitalgesellschaftenwird gezeigt, wie sich die Unternehmensteuerreform 2008 in Deutschland und die Einführungder Gruppenbesteuerung in Österreich in 2005 auf die Käufer- und Verkäufergrenzpreise beigrenzüberschreitendem...
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Private equity has seen an impressive activity surge in Germany over the last ten years. Thisworking paper meets the increasing thirst for information on the German buyout market withan overview of its historic development, a quantitative analysis of its performance and a futureoutlook. While...
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Theoretically and experimentally, we generalize the analysis of acquiringa company (Samuelson and Bazerman 1985) by allowing for competition ofboth, buyers and sellers. Naivety of both is related to the idea that higherprices exclude worse qualities. While competition of naive buyers...
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