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This paper provides a simple theory of geographical mobility which simultaneously explainspeople’s choice of residences in space and the location of industry. Residences are chosenon the basis of the utility which mobile households obtain across locations...
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Technological change is a central element in macroeconomic growth explanation. Endogenous growth models take a revolutionary step towards better understanding the economic growth process by deriving technological change from profit-motivated individual behavior. In endogenous growth theory...
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We use new data on the location and background of entrants into the U.S. tireindustry to analyze the factors that caused the industry to be so regionally concentratedaround Akron, Ohio, a small city with no particular advantages for tire production. Weanalyze the states where firms entered and...
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During its early and formative years, the U.S. tire industry was heavily concentratedaround Akron, Ohio. We test the extent to which entrants in Ohio were attracted to theAkron area by agglomeration benefits, contributing to a self-reinforcing processenvisioned in many modern theories of...
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Contemporaries and historians have highlighted London’s position asthe world’s leading financial centre, and its dominance of both tradefinancing and international capital investment at this time. The cur-rent historical literature focuses on the presence of the London StockExchange and...
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We analyze empirically the impact of urban agglomeration on Italian wages. Using micro-data from the Bank of Italy'sSurvey of Household Income and Wealth for the years 1995, 1998, 2000 and 2002 on more than 22,000 employeesdistributed in 242 randomly drawn local labor markets (30 percent of the...
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Der Verfasser beschreibt den Prozess, den ein Unternehmen durchläuft, bis es über die notwendige Innovationsdynamik verfügt. Er betont in diesem Zusammenhang vor allem die hohe Bedeutung einer geeigneten Innovationsstrategie als wichtigen Bestandteil der Unternehmensstrategie.
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Dieser Aufsatz untersucht die wirtschafts- und unternehmensethischen Arbeiten vonWilliam Baumol und rekonstruiert seine ökonomische Erklärung für die spektakulärenWachstumserfolge westlicher Marktwirtschaften.
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Dieser Beitrag skizziert eine „conceptual history“ der modernen Gesellschaft. Er unterscheideteine malthusianische Stagnationsphase und eine postmalthusianische Wachstumsphaseder Weltwirtschaftsgeschichte und entwickelt anhand eines Modells zur Interdependenzwirtschaftlicher und politischer...
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communication technology on growth through its impacton organization and innovation. Agents accumulate knowledge through … twoactivities: innovation (discovering new technologies) and exploitation (learninghow to use the current technology). Exploitation …
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