Showing 1 - 10 of 247
,the theoretical results and the derived conclusions of chapters 3 to 5 are applied to the analysisof the Kyoto-Protocol (chapter 6 …
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This paper provides an analytical framework for exploring the relationshipbetween equity and efficiency for two riparians sharing a transboundary river.Decreasing marginal productivities of water make a noncooperative approach inefficientwhen water is scarce. If the upstream riparian uses its...
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In der WTO-Agrarhandelsrunde von Doha geht es neben dem Abbau von Exportsubventionen und der Abschaffung von Marktzugangsbeschränkungen auch um die weitere Reduktion von internen Subventionen, die als produktions- und damit handelsverzerrend eingestuft sind. Eine Gruppe von Ländern, darunter...
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In this paper we investigate the effects of local interaction in a CPR-like environment.We employ a local interaction model where subjects are allocated alonga circle and only interact with their most direct neighbors. In traditional socialdilemma experiments, the return of one’s actions is...
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This paper studies the effect of introducing costly partner selection for the voluntarycontribution to a public good. Subjects participate in six sequences offive rounds of a two-person public good game in partner design. At the end ofeach sequence, subjects can select a new partner out of six...
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At the General Assembly of the Geneva Association held 28-31 May 2008 in Hamilton, Bermuda, the CEOs of the world's leading insurance and reinsurance companies decided to launch a new research project on climate change and its economic impact on insurance (CC+I). This initiative reflects one of...
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Great complexity for converting knowledge of climate change effects into future loss estimates; A substantial part of climate change exposure depends on the (future!) development of the legal systems around the world; Insurance industry seen as "deep pocket" by some parties in the hunt for...
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We conduct a large-scale …eld experiment with 2,440 subjects in whichwe exogenously vary the price of contributing to the closest empiricalcounterpart of an in…nitely large public good, climate change mitigation.We …nd that the price e¤ect is robust and negative, but quantitativelyweak, with...
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Die Bekämpfung des globalen Klimawandels und die Minderung dessen Folgen gehören zu den zentralen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Immer mehr Unternehmen realisieren die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf ihre Märkte und erkennen das damit verbundene Risiko. Ursache sind zum einen die...
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Das vorliegende Arbeitspapier ist eine Ergänzung zum Bericht der wissenschaftlichenBegleiter im Rahmen der Kommission „Klimaschutzpolitik der Bundesregierung und derEuropäischen Union – Auswirkungen auf die Immobilien- und Wohnungswirtschaft“, eingesetztunter dem Dach des Deutschen...
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