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Employing a large individual-level administrative dataset from Great Britain, coveringthe period 1999-2005, we analyse the factors inuencing the length of unemployment benetsclaimant periods with subsequent transition to re-employment. To this end, this individual-level data is merged with a...
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We analyse the effect of skill mismatch in a search model of equilibrium unemployment with risk-neutral agents, endogenous job destruction, and two-sidedex-ante heterogeneity. First, we examine the interaction of labour market institutions and skill mismatch. We find that skill mismatch changes...
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We examine the relationship between unemployment benefits and unemployment using Swedish regional data. To estimate the effect of an increase in unemployment insurance (UI) on unemployment we exploit the ceiling on UI benefits. The benefit ceiling, coupled with the fact that there are regional...
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This paper studies optimal unemployment benefit levels and optimal proportional income taxrates over the business cycle. Previous research suggests that policy makers should makeunemployment insurance (UI) dependent on the business cycle because the UI system canbe used to smooth consumption...
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A significant fraction of the labor force consists of employed workers who are part-timeunemployed (underemployed) in the sense that they are unable to work as much as theyprefer. This paper develops a search and matching model to study the design of optimalunemployment insurance in an economy...
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In Portugal duration of benefits is exclusively age determined while replacement rates are toall intents and purposes uniform. We exploit differences in potential maximum duration ofbenefits for nearly matched pairs of individuals who differ in age by one year and in potentialmaximum duration of...
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In July 2004, the Belgian government intensified monitoring within the UnemploymentInsurance scheme. Workers claiming unemployment benefits for more than 13 months arenotified that past job-search behavior will be monitored 8 months later...
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In this paper, we review the literature on the “spike” in unemployment exit rates aroundbenefit exhaustion, and present new evidence based on administrative data for a largesample of job losers in Austria. We find that the way unemployment spells are measured hasa large effect on the magnitude...
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Evidently, the benefit-structure of the unemployment insurance has a significant influence onprofits and trade union utility. We show for a wage bargaining model that a stronger earningsrelationship of unemployment benefits may reduce wages and increase employment. Thisraises the question as to...
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This study examines the determinants of job-finding rates of unemployment benefit recipientsunder the Chilean program. This is a unique, innovative program that combines socialinsurance through a solidarity fund (SF) with self-insurance in the form of unemploymentinsurance savings accounts...
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