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This paper analyses the link between sustainability-related innovation and sustainability performance and the role that family firms play in this. This theme is particular relevantfrom a European point of view given the large number of firms that are family-owned. Governments often support...
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Innovation activities in high technology industries provide considerable challenges fortechnology and innovation management. In particular, since these industries have a long historyof radical innovations taking place through distinct industry cycles of higher and lower demand,firms frequently...
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We give an explicit PDE characterization for the solution of the problemof maximizing the utility of both terminal wealth and intertemporal consumption under model uncertainty. The underlying market model consists of a risky asset, whose volatility and long-term trend are driven by an external...
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This paper explores implications of nominal rigidity characterized by a non-constanthazard function for aggregate dynamics. I derive the NKPC under an arbitrary hazardfunction and parameterize it with the Weibull duration model. The resulting Phillips curveinvolves lagged inflation and lagged...
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In semiparametric models it is a common approach to under-smooth the nonparametric functions inorder that estimators of the finite dimensional parameters can achieve root-n consistency. The requirementof under-smoothing may result as we show from inefficient estimation methods or technical...
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This paper studies how dierent unionisation structures aect rm productivity, rmperformance, and consumer welfare in a monopolistic competition model with heterogeneousrms and free entry. While centralised bargaining induces tougher selection among hetero-geneous producers and thus increases...
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In this paper we develop several regression algorithms for solvinggeneral stochastic optimal control problems via Monte Carlo. Thistype of algorithms is particularly useful for problems with a highdimensionalstate space and complex dependence structure of the underlyingMarkov process with...
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Recent studies suggest that the correlation of stock returnsincreases with decreasing geographical distance. However, there is some debateon the appropriate methodology for measuring the effects of distanceon correlation. We modify a regression approach suggested in the literatureand complement...
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A firm’s current leverage ratio is one of the core characteristicsof credit quality used in statistical default prediction models. Based on thecapital structure literature, which shows that leverage is mean-reverting to atarget leverage, we forecast future leverage ratios and include them in...
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The problem of pricing Bermudan options using Monte Carlo anda nonparametric regression is considered. We derive optimal nonasymptoticbounds for a lower biased estimate based on the suboptimalstopping rule constructed using some estimates of continuationvalues. These estimates may be of...
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