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In this paper we analyze a dynamic agency problem where contracting parties do not know the agent's future productivity at the beginning of the relationship. We consider a two-period model where both the agent and the principal observe the agent's second-period productivity at the end of the...
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Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, in die ökonomische Analyse des Versicherungsbetrugs einzuführenund einige grundlegende Determinanten für vertragswidriges Verhalten von Versicherungsnehmern aufzuzeigen. Dazu werden zunächst die strategischen Entscheidungsprobleme von Versicherungsneh-mern und...
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Die Prinzipal-Agent-Theorie befasst sich vornehmlich mit betriebswirtschaftlichen Problemen, dieaus Interessenskonflikten in Vertragsbeziehungen bei asymmetrischer Information resultieren. Esexistiert eine große Vielfalt unterschiedlicher Theorievarianten, die sich jedoch um...
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We analyze the optimal combination of promotion tournaments and individual performance pay in an employment relationship. An agents effort is non-observable and he has private information about his suitability for promotion. Thus, promo-tion tournaments and individual performance pay need to be...
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When two or more agents compete for a bonus and the agents' productivity in each of several possible occurrences depends stochastically on (constant) effort, the number of times that are checked to assign the bonus affects the level of un-certainty in the selection process. Uncertainty, in turn,...
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We consider guilt averse agents and principals and study the effects ofguilt on optimal behavior of the principal and the agent in a moral hazardmodel.The principal’s contract proposal contains a target effort in addition tothe monetary incentive scheme. By accepting the agreement, the...
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In einem 1977 erschienenen Aufsatz haben Hayne Leland und David Pyle erstmals nachgewiesen, daß die Beteiligungsquote der Unternehmensleitung als Signal dienen kann, aus dem externe Kapitalgeber Rückschlüsse auf die Ertragsaussichten der Unternehmung ziehen können. Das recht anspruchsvolle...
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During the last years the relationship between financial development and economic growth has received widespread attention in the literature on growth and development. This paper summarises in its first part the results of this research, stressing the growth-enhancing effects of an increased...
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During the last years issues of strategic management accounting have received widespread attention in the accounting literature. Yet the conceptual foundation of most proposals is not clear. This paper presents a theoretical analysis of one of the most prominent approaches of strategic...
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This article investigates the impacts of asymmetric information within a Lucas (1978) asset pricing economy. Asymmetry enters via the assumption that one group of agents is equipped with superior information about the dividend process.(...)
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