Showing 1 - 10 of 177
We develop an econometric methodology to infer the path of risk premia from large unbalancedpanel of individual stock returns. We estimate the time-varying risk premia implied by conditional linearasset pricing models where the conditioning includes instruments common to all assets and asset...
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Since little is known about the degree of bias in estimated fixed effects in panel data models, we run Monte Carlo simulations on a range of different estimators. We find that Anderson-Hsiao IV, Kiviet’s bias-corrected LSDV and GMM estimators all perform well in both short and long panels...
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We use a dynamic framework and panel methodology to investigate the determinants of a firms' time-varying capital structure. Our sample comprises 706 European firms from France, Germany, Italy and the U.K. over the period from 1983 to 2002. If capital structure adjustment is costly, firms may...
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We use a dynamic framework and panel methodology to investigate the determinants of a time-varying corporate capital structure. Our sample comprises 706 European firms from France, Germany, Italy and the U.K. over the period from 1983 to 2002. If capital structure adjustment is costly, firms may...
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Our paper introduces a new estimation method for arbitrary temporal heterogeneityin panel data models. The paper provides a semiparametric method for estimatinggeneral patterns of cross-sectional specific time trends. The methods proposed in thepaper are related to principal component analysis...
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Understanding adjustment processes has become central in economics. Empirical analysisis fraught with the problem that the target is usually unobserved. This paper develops,simulates and applies GMM methods for estimating dynamic adjustment models ina panel data context with partially unobserved...
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We reappraise the relationship between productivity and equilibrium real exchangerates using a panel estimation framework that incorporates a large number ofcountries and importantly, a dataset that allows explicit consideration of the role ofnon-traded, as well as traded, sector productivity...
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Das Papier präsentiert neue Schätzungen von Matchingfunktionen mit Hilfe von Niveau- und Ratengrössen mit nach Berufen dissaggregierten Daten für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt für die Jahre 1983 bis 2004...
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We use a dynamic adjustment model and panel methodology to investigatethe determinants of a time- varying optimal capital structure. Because firmsmay temporarily deviate from their optimal capital structure in the presenceof adjustment costs, we also endogenize the adjustment process. In partic...
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Using panel data on large Polish firms this paper examines the relationship between corporatecontrol structures, sales growth and the determinants of employment change during the period 1996-2002. We find that privatised and de novo firms are the main drivers of employment growth andthat, in the...
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