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Time consistency problems can arise when environmental taxes are employedto encourage firms to take irreversible abatement decisions. Setting a high carbontax, for instance, would induce firms to invest in low-carbon technology,yet once investment has occurred the government can then reduce the...
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The National Health Insurance Scheme (Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, RSBY) aims to improve poor people’s access to quality health care in India. This paper looks at the implementation of the scheme in Karnataka, drawing on a large survey of eligible households and interviews with empanelled...
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An interesting puzzle is that trade liberalization in the 1980s and 1990s has been associated with a sharp increase in the skill premium in both developed and developing countries.This is in contrast with neoclassical theory, according to which trade should increase therelative return of the...
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This paper presents a simple model of risk-averse banks that face uncer-tainty over funding conditions in the money market. It shows when increasedfunding uncertainty causes interest rates on loans and deposits to rise, whilebank lending and bank pro…tability fall. It also …nds that funding...
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In many markets firms set posted prices which are potentially negotiable. We analyze theoptimal marketing mix of pricing and bargaining when price takers buy at posted prices butbargainers attempt to negotiate discounts. The optimal bargaining strategy involves the firmsoffering bargainers...
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In this paper we use a dynamic structural life-cycle model to analyze the employment,fiscal and welfare effects induced by unemployment insurance. The model features a detailedspecification of the tax and transfer system, including unemployment insurance benefitswhich depend on an individual's...
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Many social networks have the following properties: (i) a short average distancebetween any two individuals; (ii) a high clustering coe±cient; (iii) segregation pat-terns; the presence of (iv) brokers and (v) hubs. (i) and (ii) de¯ne a small worldnetwork. This paper develops a strategic...
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This paper discusses the place of oligopoly in international trade theory, and ar-gues that it is unsatisfactory to ignore …rms altogether, as in perfectly competitivemodels, or to view large …firms as more productive clones of small ones, as in monop-olistically competitive models. Doing...
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This paper examines monetary policy in a currency union whose member countries exhibitheterogeneous rates of limited asset markets participation (LAMP). As a result risksharing among member countries is imperfect and the monetary transmission mechanismcan dier across countries. In the limit the...
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This paper presents simple conditions for monopoly third-degree price discrimination to have negative or positive e¤ectson aggregate consumer surplus. Consumer surplus is often re-duced by discrimination, for example when total welfare (con-sumer surplus and pro…ts) falls. Surplus increases...
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