Showing 1 - 10 of 106
When workers send applications to vacancies they create a network. Frictions arise becauseworkers typically do not know where other workers apply to and firms do not know whichcandidates other firms consider. The first coordination friction affects network formation, whilethe second coordination...
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This paper analyses the effects of innovation networks on product and pro-cess innovation and sales growth of high technology SMEs. Innovation net-works are positively related to both product and process innovation, i.e. know-ledge creation. One exception is the negative effect of innovation...
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This paper analyses the process of knowledge growth in a branch of medical science. Our study of scientific advances in glaucoma research is organized in two parts. In the first we present a qualitative overview of the problem sequences that have characterized 150 years of medical research in...
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This paper examines the puzzlingly high unexploited momentum returns from a new perspective.We analyze characteristics of momentum traders in a sample of 692 fund managers. Wefind that momentum traders are “defined” by their short-term horizon, by a behavioural viewon the market and by a...
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This paper experimentally investigates the interdependence between market competition and endogenously emerging inter-firm collaboration. We restrict attention to arrangements resulting from bilateral collaboration agreements that typically characterize real world applications in which the...
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We consider a modi¯ed pure public good game characterized by a pre-play negotiation stage, onwhich pairs of players can form binding cooperation commitments. As the introduced mecha-nism only supports pairwise rather than more inclusive commitments, it does not implement thee±cient outcome. We...
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Many social networks have the following properties: (i) a short average distancebetween any two individuals; (ii) a high clustering coe±cient; (iii) segregation pat-terns; the presence of (iv) brokers and (v) hubs. (i) and (ii) de¯ne a small worldnetwork. This paper develops a strategic...
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Die Empfehlung, das Shareholder-Value-Konzept zur Grundlage der Unternehmenspolitik zu machen, erscheint um so überzeugender und wird vermutlich um so eher akzeptiert, (1) je lohnender die Shareholder-Value-Orientierung für die Aktionäre ist, (2) je eindeutiger es ist, wie die Empfehlung...
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Nationale rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen beeinflussen die Möglichkeiten für wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten multinationaler Unternehmen (MNU) in einem Gastland und der Koordination zwischen den Unternehmensteilen in verschiedenen Ländern. Sie sind damit wichtige Bestimmungsfaktoren für...
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Patent trolls appropriate profits from innovation solely by enforcing patents against infringers.They are often characterized as relying on low-quality patents, an assessment that, if correct,would imply that eradicating such patents would effectively terminate the troll business. Inthis paper,...
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