Showing 1 - 10 of 154
Der Europäische Rat von Lissabon hatte den Rat und die Kommission aufgefordert, bis Juni 2000 ein Benchmarking einzuleiten, dessen erste Ergebnisse bis Dezember 2000 vorliegen sollten. Die ersten greifbaren Resultate der Unternehmenspolitik werden im folgenden dargestellt.
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Year round grazing systems that utilize stockpiled forage and/or crop residue are oftenpromoted as a way for Northern and Western cow-calf producers to reduce winterfeeding costs and improve overall profitability. This study compared the profitability of aconventional spring calving/summer...
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We present results from the rst large-scale international surveyon risk preferences, conducted in 45 countries. We show substantialcross-country dierences in risk aversion, loss aversion and probabilityweighting. Moreover, risk attitudes in our sample depend not only oneconomic conditions, but...
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This paper provides an initial, schematic description for students beginning a course comparingthe "company laws"1 governing corporations formed under the Delaware General Corporation Law(also referred here to as "DGCL")2 and under the German Aktiengesetz (also referred to here as the"Stock...
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Recent research on international productivity comparisons has focused on the discrepancies between benchmark comparisons and time series extrapolations from other benchmarks. For a 1907 benchmark, Stephen Broadberry and Carsten Burhop (2007) find German manufacturing to be only slightly ahead of...
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We use a large linked employer-employee data set to analyze the importance of relativewage positions in the context of individual quit decisions as an inverse measure of jobsatisfaction. Our main findings are: (1) Workers with higher relative wage positionswithin their firms are on average more...
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’Nothing in business excites so much interest in the wider world as the pay of top executives.’ theEconomist wrote in a 2003 article titled ’Fat cats feeding - Executive pay’. Indeed, it seems thatthe dwindling heights to which CEO compensation has risen trigger stronger feelings than...
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We show that the joint liability lending contracts derived in Ghatak (2000) violate an ex post incentive-compatibility constraint which says the amount of joint liability cannot exceed the amount of individual liability. We derive and characterize optimal separating joint liability contracts...
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Auch rund 20 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung ist die Diskussion um Unterschiede in derBevölkerung in Ost- und Westdeutschland noch nicht verebbt. Vielmehr scheint es immernoch ein vehementes Interesse an Vergleichen zwischen Bürgern in Ost und West zu geben,wobei häufig auch Studierende im...
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[...]Die vorliegende Studie verfolgt das Ziel, einen ersten Einblick in aktuelle Entwicklungstendenzender Vertriebsform Network Marketing zu geben. Hierfürwerden zunächst in Kapitel zwei einige grundlegende Inhalte vorgestellt, undzwar die Definition, die Entstehungsgeschichte, die...
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