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The article reflects the present banking and financial crisis on basis of latest research results about the existence of superior economic and financial order acting within the real world (equal natural world). Within this order (equal natural order) observably all creatures use different types...
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The article reflects the present banking and financial crisis on basis of latest research about the existence of superior economic and financial order within the real world (equal natural world). Within this order (equal natural order) observably all creatures use different types of energy like...
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On 5 December 1925, the ‘Portuguese Bank Note Bubble’ burst. The Lisbon daily newspaper, O Século (The Century), revealed the swindle in the headline ‘O Pais em Crise’ (The Country in Crisis). The article describes how twenty-eight year old white-collar worker, Artur Virgilio Alves...
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Why was risk management not effective in preventing financial institutions from bubbles in the past? 1. Because the … emerge of the bubbles were not recognized at all. 2. Because risk managers did not have sufficient authority to stop the …
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Die internationale Finanzkrise ist aufdem besten Wege, sich zu einer weltweitenWirtschaftskrise zu entwickeln.Bei dem … dieser stößt eineexpansive Geldpolitik schnell an ihreGrenzen. Nur eine nachhaltige Stabilisierungdes Finanzsektors durch …
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Die globale Finanzmarktkrise triffteine wachsende Weltwirtschaft.Realwirtschaftlich, von Produktionund Bedarf her, spricht wenig gegenweiteres Wachstum. Nur die Kapriolender Vermögensmärkte gefährdenden Wohlstand. Hier muss die Politikeingreifen, um eine Rezession zuvermeiden. Es geht also um...
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Die Stabilität des Finanzsystemsist gegenwärtig durch spekulativeÜbertreibungen auf den Kredit- undVerbriefungsmärkten gefährdet. Damitgehen erhebliche Belastungen für diereale Wirtschaftsentwicklung einher.Mehr Transparenz und Basel II werdendas zentrale Problem, das Herdenverhaltenauf...
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Germany’s banking sector has been severely hit by the globalfinancial crisis. In a German context as of February, 2009, this paper reviewsbriefly the structure of the banking industry, quantifies effects of the crisis onbanks and surveys responses of economic policy. It is argued that...
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The unfolding financial turmoil in mature economies has prompted the official and private sectors to reconsider policies, business models and risk management practices. Regardless of its future evolution, it already threatens to become one of the defining economic moments of the 21st century....
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Frage,ob eine zu laxe Finanzsektorpolitikoder eine zu expansive Geldpolitik dieHauptschuld an den Verwerfungentragen. Im …
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