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This paper reports two laboratory studies designed to study the impact of public informationabout past departure rates on congestion levels and travel costs. Our experimental design isbased on a discrete version of Arnott, de Palma, and Lindsey’s (1990) bottleneck model wheresubjects have to...
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After the German reunification, interregional subsidies accounted for approximatelyfour percent of gross fixed capital investment in the new federal states. We show thatbetween 1992 and 2005 infrastructure and (small) business aid had a negative netimpact on regional economic growth. This...
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In their quest to become highly efficient and professional asset managers in maintaining their roadnetworks and delivering a programme of network improvements some road administrations haveundergone significant changes in the way they operate in order to become more efficient and provide amore...
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The changeover from a situation of Autarky to a situation of Free-Trade alters the trade and production patterns of the participatingcountries which in turn affects the transportation-sector. The amountof transported goods and the directions of the good-flows change.Profit-oriented shipping...
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The maritime industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is in the middle of a turbulentperiod since the start of the financial and economic crisis in 2008.Whereas the field of maritime logistics started to recover from the beginningof 2010 the maritime industry is still facing times of low business...
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Integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) models represent a promising newclass of models which merge classic choice models with the structural equation approach (SEM) for latent variables. Despite their conceptual appeal, to date applications of ICLV models in marketing are still rare. The...
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Die bundesdeutsche Logistikbranche boomt und ist ein echter Jobmotor. Die Logistik ist nicht nur einer der größten Wirtschaftsbranchen in Deutschland und wird als Motor für Wachstum und Innovation gesehen. Sie führt damit auch zur Schaffung neuer, zukunftsfähiger Arbeitsplätze. Im Jahre...
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People spend more and more time commuting and often find it a burden. According to economics, the burden of commuting is chosen when compensated either on the labor or on the housing market so that individuals utility is equalized....
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We generalize the classical concept of a certainty equivalent to a model where an investor can trade on a capital market with several future trading dates.We show that if a riskless asset is traded and the investor has a CARA utility then our generalized certainty equivalent can be evaluated...
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This paper first provides a simple but very general framework for credit portfolio modellingwhich is based on the distinction between systematic and unsystematic risk. Unsystematicor borrower-specific risk vanishes through diversification in a very large, infinitelyfine-grained portfolio. The...
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