Showing 1 - 10 of 83
Does FDI affect productivity growth, innovation, and knowledge sourcing activities ofdomestic firms? This study employs detailed firm-level panel-data from Estonia’smanufacturing sector to investigate different channels through which FDI can affectdomestic firms. I use instrumental variables...
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We review a large body of literature dealing with the effects of Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) on economies during their transformation from a command economic systemtoward a market system. We report the results of a meta-analysis based on the literatureon externalities from FDI. The studies on...
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This paper sheds light on the influence of exchange rate volatility on foreign direct investment (FDI), both at the theoretical and the empirical level. The novelty of the empirical analysis, which is based on a panel of 27 OECD countries over the period 1982-2002, is to provide evidence of a...
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This paper investigates whether the size of multinationals’ real investments ina high-tax country is affected by profit shifting activities. A simple theoretical analysisshows that tax rates abroad impact the cost of capital in the presence of profit shiftingactivities of multinational...
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It is commonly alleged that foreign direct investment (FDI) in the service sector haspositive consequences for the domestic labor market. This paper shows that this widelyaccepted view does not generally hold...
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In this paper an index of financial competitiveness is calculated that corresponds to themarket-to-book ratio of inward FDI stocks. For a panel of five advanced economies from1980 to 2006 it is shown that price competitiveness, stable inflation rates and registeredpatents have a positive impact...
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This paper investigates how multinational firms choose the capital structure of theirforeign affiliates in response to political risk. We focus on two choice variables, theleverage and the ownership structure of the foreign affiliate, and we distinguish differenttypes of political risk, such as...
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A growing strand of literature highlights that skilled migration mayfavour growth-enhancing technology transfer, trade and foreign direct in-vestments between the source and the host economies of migrants (net-work effects). We explore a speci…c channel through which the possi-ble "diaspora...
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Whether higher productivity of the foreign firm increases host countrywelfare depends on whether the reason for foreign direct investment (FDI) is to savethe trade cost or to get the advantage of cheap labor. We show that, if the reason forFDI is to get the advantage of cheap labor, higher...
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This paper estimates the Balassa-Samuelson effects for 11 countries in central and eastern Europe on a disaggregated set of quarterly data covering the period from the mid-1990s to the first quarter of 2008. The Balassa-Samuelson effects are clearly present and explain around 24% of inflation...
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